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Star Trek Beyond

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Prime Timeline

Year Event
 [1] Earth's Military Assault Command Operations organisation is disbanded and its personnel merged into the new Federation Starfleet. [2]
  People :  Krall
  Species :  Humans
 [1] Captain Balthazar Edison is assigned command of the USS Franklin, NX-326. A former member of MACO who harbours ill-will towards the newly created Federation, Edison deeply resents the assignment. [2]
  People :  Krall
 [3] The USS Franklin, NX-326, the very first Human ship capable of travelling at Warp 4, is lost in the Gagarin asteroid belt. Unknown at the time, the ship is thrown across space by a wormhole and crashlands on the planet Altamid. [2]
  People :  Krall
  Species :  Humans
 [4] George Kirk is born. He will later become a Starfleet officer and father the future Captain James Tiberius Kirk. [2]
  People :  James T. Kirk

Kelvin Timeline

Year Event
 [1] Earth's Military Combined Assault Operations organisation is disbanded and its personnel merged into the new Federation Starfleet. [2]
  People :  Krall
  Species :  Humans
 [1] Captain Balthazar Edison is assigned command of the USS Franklin, NX-326. A former member of MACO who harbours ill-will towards the newly created Federation, Edison deeply resents the assignment. [2]
  People :  Krall
 [4] George Kirk is born. He will later become a Starfleet officer and father the future Captain James Tiberius Kirk. [2]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [2] Ambassador Spock from the Prime timeline dies, aged 162. [5]
  People :  Spock
 [2] The USS Enterprise visits the newly completed Starbase Yorktown for resupply. Whilst there an alien arrives, reporting that her crew is stranded on a nearby planet after their ship crashed. The Enterprise takes her there, only to be ambushed by forces under the control of Krall. The Enterprise is destroyed. [2]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Scotty, Keenser
 [2] Krall attacks Starbase Yorktown, almost succeeding in destroying it. The base is saved by the intervention of Captain Kirk and the Enterprise officers, and Krall is killed. [2]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Scotty, Keenser
 [2] Captain Kirk is assigned as the commanding officer of the new USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-A. He resumes his deep space exploration mission. [2]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Scotty, Keenser

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek Beyond Somewhat speculative - after the formation of the Federation in 'The early 2160s'
2 Star Trek Beyond
3 Speculative Scotty states that this happened in 'The Earth 2160s' Could be anything from 2161 to 2163.
4 Star Trek Beyond Kirk said in 2263 that he was now older than his father. Kirk was 30 then, so his father was born 59 years prior. Same date in both timelines.
5 Star Trek Beyond Age is based on his birth in 2230, living to 2387 when Romulus was destroyed, then going back in time to 2258 shortly before Vulcan was destroyed, then living to 2263.
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Comment : Somewhat speculative - after the formation of the Federation in 'The early 2160s'
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Source : Speculative
Comment : Scotty states that this happened in 'The Earth 2160s' Could be anything from 2161 to 2163.
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Comment : Kirk said in 2263 that he was now older than his father. Kirk was 30 then, so his father was born 59 years prior. Same date in both timelines.
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Comment : Age is based on his birth in 2230, living to 2387 when Romulus was destroyed, then going back in time to 2258 shortly before Vulcan was destroyed, then living to 2263.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,394 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025