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Star Trek Into Darkness

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Episode image
Alcatraz, Alternate 2259
Alcatraz prison as it appeared in 2259 in the Kelvin timeline. The facility is, unfortunately, moments away from destruction by the USS Vengeance which can be seen looming down from above. [1]
Architecture entry
Episode image
Alternate San Francisco #4, 2259
San Francisco in the Kelvin timeline. [1]
Architecture entry
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Alternate Star Fleet HQ
Star Fleet HQ, 2259, San Francisco, Kelvin timline [1]
Architecture entry
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London, Alternate 2259
The city of London in the Kelvin timeline. Note the explosion of a terrorist bomb. [1]
Architecture entry
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Nibiru Temple
The Nibiru temple, located at the foot of a volcano. [1]
Architecture entry
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Royal Children's Hospital
The Royal Children's Hospital in England. [1]
Architecture entry
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Star Fleet Headquarters, Offices
Office facilities at Star Fleet Headquarters, at night. [1]
Architecture entry
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The Port of San Francisco
Once the main offices of the Port of San Francisco, the area now houses many fashionable bars. [1]
Architecture entry
Episode image
A simple glass of water. [1]
Food entry
Episode image
Klingon Border Nebula
A picture of the nebula. [1]
Nebulae entry
Episode image
Klingon Border Nebula
Another image of the Nebula. [1]
Nebulae entry
Episode image
0718 [1]
Science Officer 0718 on the bridge of the Enterprise. [1]
People entry
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0718 [1]
0718 on the Enterprise bridge. [1]
People entry
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0718 [1]
A view showing the device on the back of 0718's head. [1]
People entry
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Frank Abbott [1]
Abbott at Starfleet command. [1]
People entry
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Brackett [1]
A picture of Ensign Brackett. [1]
People entry
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Chapin [1]
A picture of Chapin in 2259. [1]
People entry
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Pavel Chekov [2]
Chekov as Chief Engineer. [1]
People entry
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Darwin [1]
A picture of Darwin at her navigation post on the bridge. [1]
People entry
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Grasia [1]
An image of Grasia. [1]
People entry
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Lucille Harewood [1]
Lucille Harewood in her hospital bed. [1]
People entry
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Rima Harewood [1]
Rima Harewood in bed. [1]
People entry
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Thomas Harewood [1]
Harewood outside the Kelvin memorial archive. [1]
People entry
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Keenser [2]
Keenser in Starfleet uniform. [1]
People entry
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James T. Kirk [2]
Kirk in 2259. [1]
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James T. Kirk [2]
Kirk on the Enterprise. [1]
People entry
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James T. Kirk [2]
Kirk in a space suit. Note the cracked faceplate. [1]
People entry
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James T. Kirk [2]
Kirk using his communicator. [1]
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Madeline [1]
An image of Madelene. [1]
People entry
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Marcus [1]
Admiral Marcus at Starfleet Command. [1]
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Carol Marcus [1]
Carol Marcus arriving aboard the USS Enterprise. [1]
People entry
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Carol Marcus [1]
Carol Marcus in a shuttle. [1]
People entry
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Carol Marcus [1]
Marcus as an official member of the Enterprise crew. [1]
People entry
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Carol Marcus [1]
Carol Marcus in standard ship's uniform. [1]
People entry
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Moto [1]
A picture of Moto. [1]
People entry
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Christopher Pike [2]
Pike at Starfleet command, shortly before his death. [1]
People entry
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Scotty [2]
Scotty on the Enterprise bridge. Note the giant fish in the background. [1]
People entry
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Shaku [1]
A picture of Shaku. [1]
People entry
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Khan Noonien Singh [1]
Khan in London. [1]
People entry
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Khan Noonien Singh [1]
Khan under heavy guard on the Enterprise. [1]
People entry
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Khan Noonien Singh [1]
Khan on the bridge of the USS Vengeance. [1]
People entry
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Spock [2]
Spock in an environmental suit designed to resist extreme temperatures. [1]
People entry
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Spock [2]
Spock at Starfleet HQ. [1]
People entry
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Hikaru Sulu [2]
Sulu piloting a shuttle on a difficult mission. [1]
People entry
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Hikaru Sulu [2]
Sulu on the bridge of the Enterprise. [1]
People entry
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Nyota Uhura [2]
Uhura in a Starfleet wetsuit. [1]
People entry
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Nyota Uhura [2]
Uhura on the Klingon Home planet. [1]
People entry
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Nyota Uhura [2]
Uhura in the battle between Khan and the Klingons. [1]
People entry
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Earth [3]
A picture of Earth with the USS Enterprise, having lost all power, falling towards the planet. [1]
Planets entry
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Jupiter [4]
A close up view of Jupiter, showing the large red spot and one of several moons. [1]
Planets entry
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Qo'noS [5]
Qo'noS in the alternate timeline created by Nero, suffering the effects of a planetary disaster. [1]
Planets entry
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Antigrav Units [6]
An antigrav bed being used to transport a patient. [1]
Sci-tech entry
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Antigrav Units [6]
A picture of a hover car San Fransisco of 2359 in the Kelvin timeline. [1]
Sci-tech entry
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Communication Devices [7]
A Starfleet communicator in the alternate timeline created by Nero. [1]
Sci-tech entry
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Medical Technology - Hypospray [8]
A hypo in the alternate timeline created by Nero. [1]
Sci-tech entry
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Medical Technology - Hypospray [8]
A hypospray being used to draw blood. [1]
Sci-tech entry
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Ship images
Air Bus
As air bus in downtown San Francisco [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Air Bus
The port side of another of the Air Buses. [1]
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Ship images
Alternate Seagoing Ship
A picture of the ship. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The Enterprise rises from the water on Nibiru. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
An auxiliary hanger door into the main hanger bay. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The badly damaged Enterprise out of control after a battle with the USS Vengeance. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The damaged Enterprise falls towards Earth. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The Enterprise at warp. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The Enterprise takes fire from the USS Vengeance. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
Causing significant damage to the engineering hull [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
A hit to the nacelle caused the ship to drop out of warp moments later. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The Enterprise rises from the clouds on thrusters. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The USS Enterprise hovers in Earth's atmosphere, despite the massive damage caused by the USS Vengeance. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The refitted and repaired Enterprise with a new larger impulse engine. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The Enterprise prepares to go to warp. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The ship warps away. [1]
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Ship images
Constitution Class
The torpedo launchers spread along the side of the engineering hull. [1]
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Ship images
D-4 Class
A front view of a D4 patrol ship [1]
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D-4 Class
A D4 chasing Kirk, Spock and Uhura. [1]
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Ship images
D-4 Class
A view highlighting the weapons pod on the end of the wing of a D4. [1]
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D-4 Class
A D4 drops four crewmembers on tethers. This was a simple method of putting crew onto the surface rapidly without having to land the ship or use a transporter. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
The USS Vengeance comes to a halt in front of the USS Enterprise. The massive scale of the ship is obvious from this face-off. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
The deflector dish of the ship can be clearly be seen, as it's defensive doors close over it. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
The dark colour of the USS Vengeance makes it difficult to see, even against the background of the nebula. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
USS Vengeance catches up with Enterprise whilst at warp. Something that was believed to be impossible. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
The USS Vengeance opens fire with both phasers [1]
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Dreadnaught [1]
and torpedoes. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
Causing massive damage to the Enterprise. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
As the Enterprise spins and drops out of warp the sheer size of the USS Vengeance can be seen. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
The USS Vengeance is fitted with massive fold-out torpedo launchers. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
When the ship was taken over by Khan, he beamed the advanced toepeados from the USS Enterprise to his cargo hold, assuming that they still contained his colleagues. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
Unfortunately for him, Spock had swapped his crew for real torpedoes and set them to detonate, seriously damaging the USS Vengeance. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
As a testament to the power and strength of the ship that it survived the detonations. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
With the ship disabled, Khan aimed it at Star Fleet headquarters and allowed it to crash. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
En route it destroyed the historic prison on the island of Alcatraz. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
The bridge section coming to a halt a short distance from the headquarters. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
An open hatch on the outer hull of the USS Vengeance. A crew member has been blown out by the interior pressure. [1]
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Ship images
Dreadnaught [1]
The same hatch is used by Kirk and Kahn to gain entry to the ship. [1]
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Ship images
Federation Tug
A close up view of the tug. The cockpit is clear behind the officer, the claw on the left hand side of the frame is red to grab packages and move them about. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Federation Tug
This view shows the clamp closed. [1]
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Ship images
Federation Tug
This view shows a tug carrying a package in its claws. It is operating in the hold of the USS Enterprise. [1]
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Ship images
Federation Tug
A close up view of the mechanism holding the box. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Federation Tug
A view of a tug used in Earth's atmosphere. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Khan's gunship firing on Starfleet command. [1]
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Ship images
A view of the cockpit. [1]
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Ship images
A side view showing one of the cannon mounts. [1]
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Ship images
An aft view showing the engine. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
A close up of a cannon firing. [1]
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Ship images
The gunship lower section showing the engine intake, which has just swallowed the fire hose and rifle thrown into its path by Kirk. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Headquarters Shuttle
A view of the shuttle at Star Fleet headquarters. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Historic Cable Car
A view of the cable car. [1]
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Ship images
London Air Craft
Two of the craft above London. [1]
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Ship images
Midi Shuttle
An aft view of the Midi Shuttle, near Star Fleet headquarters. [1]
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Ship images
Midi Shuttle
The view of the ventral surface of the shuttle shows a Star Fleet logo. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Mini Shuttle
An image of the front of the ship. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Modern San Francisco Tram
A view of the tram. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Mudd's Trader Ship
Mudd's ship stored in the USS Enterprise hanger bay. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Mudd's Trader Ship
A view of the ship in the air over Kronos. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Mudd's Trader Ship
The ship on the surface of the Klingon home world of Kronos. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Mudd's Trader Ship
A view of the ship's bow. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Mudd's Trader Ship
A view showing the ventral surface and engines. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Mudd's Trader Ship
A view of the ship showing the dorsal surface. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Newton Class
A Newton Class ship docked to a station in Earth orbit. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Passenger Car
A view of the car. [1]
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Ship images
Rescue Craft
A rescue craft parked outside the Royal Children's Hospital. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
San Francisco Air Craft
A rear view of the ship. [1]
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Ship images
San Francisco Barge
A Barge above San Francisco. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
San Francisco Barge
A side view of a Barge. [1]
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Ship images
San Francisco Barge
Khan jumps from one barge to another. [1]
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Ship images
San Francisco Barge
An aft view of a barge. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
San Francisco Barge
A view of the dorsal surface of the barge. Note the figures on the top of Spock and Khan [1]
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Ship images
San Francisco Barge
A close up of the port side of a barge. Khan's presence provides an excellent idea of the scale of the craft. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
San Francisco Transport Craft 1
A view of the ship, traveling from the left to the right of the image. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Shuttle Tug
A picture of the Shuttle Tug, with the arms folded backwards for a more compact space faring design. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Takayama Shuttle
A view of a Takayama class shuttle docked in the USS Enterprise. This one is named Warrant. [1]
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Ship images
Takayama Shuttle
A view of the shuttle on the surface of a planet, together with an Advanced Torpedo. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Takayama Shuttle
A close up view of the shuttle on the surface, showing its extendable steps. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Takayama Shuttle
There are four Takayama shuttles shown in this image. One on the far right of the picture sitting on a docking pad, another at the other end of the docking bay on a docking pad. The third is being moved by a crane onto its docking pad. The final one is departing the docking bay. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
A section of the warp core of the Enterprise. [1]
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
The inner mechanism of the Enterprise warp core. [1]
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
The Constitution class brig in use. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
A close up of the "mobile hole" used to access prisoners. [1]
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
A view of Mudd's ship stored in the USS Enterprise main hanger. [1]
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
The entrance the the "Trash Chute" on the USS Enterprise. [1]
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
The Cute leads to a horizontal section. [1]
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
Which in turn leads to an Airlock. [1]
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
A view of sickbay on the USS Enterprise. [1]
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
Another view of the Sickbay. [1]
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Ship internals
Constitution Class
A view of the bridge of the USS Enterprise from the window / view screen at the front of the bridge. [1]
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Ship internals
Dreadnaught [1]
The bridge of the USS Vengeance. [1]
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Ship internals
Dreadnaught [1]
Even the captains chair on the USS Vengeance continues of hugh proportions of the ship. [1]
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Ship internals
Dreadnaught [1]
A view of cargo hold 7 on the USS Vengeance. [1]
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Ship internals
Dreadnaught [1]
A view of cargo hold 7 from above. [1]
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Ship internals
Dreadnaught [1]
A corridor on the USS Vengeance. [1]
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Ship internals
Dreadnaught [1]
The inside of a turbo lift on the USS Vengeance. [1]
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Ship internals
Dreadnaught [1]
An engineering space on the USS Vengeance. [1]
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Ship internals
Dreadnaught [1]
A hatch on in the outer hull of the USS Vengeance. [1]
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Ship internals
Dreadnaught [1]
The hatch opened without removing the air from the compartment. See the condensing air as it is blown out into space. [1]
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Ship internals
Dreadnaught [1]
The hatch starts to close. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship internals
Mudd's Trader Ship
The Interior of the ship showing the unusual layout of the main compartment with three seats facing away from the centre, rather than the direction of travel. Further seating is shown to the rear of the bridge. [1]
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Ship internals
Mudd's Trader Ship
A view featuring the driving position. [1]
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Ship internals
Takayama Shuttle
An interior view of the shuttle. [1]
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Ship internals
Takayama Shuttle
The bridge of the shuttle. [1]
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Ship internals
Takayama Shuttle
A view from the main cabin towards to the front of the ship. [1]
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An Ayt in a San Francisco bar. [1]
Species entry
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A pair of Ayts greeting one another. [1]
Species entry
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Caitian [9]
A pair of Caitans with human style hair and tales. [1]
Species entry
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DITL Species No. 1223
A member of the species. [1]
Species entry
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DITL Species No. 1223
A picture of the back of the head of the species. [1]
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DITL Species No. 1224
A picture of a member of the species. [1]
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DITL Species No. 1225
A picture of a member of the species. [1]
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DITL Species No. 1226
A picture of a member of the species. [1]
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Klingons [10]
A Klingon in the alternate timeline created by Nero. [1]
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A Nibiran holding a sacred document revered by his people. [1]
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Several Nibirans of various ages. [1]
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A view showing the eyes. Note the inner eyelid, just visible at the bottom of the eye. [1]
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The inner eyelid begins to close. [1]
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The inner eyelid closes completely over the eye. [1]
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Captain Kirk confronts a Nibirilla. [1]
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Nibiru Fish
A picture of the species. [1]
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Nibiru Tree Crawler
A tree crawler with tentacles out... [1]
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Nibiru Tree Crawler
...and with tentacles withdrawn. [1]
Species entry
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Station images
Starbase 1 [11]
A view of USS Enterprise docked at Starbase 1. [1]
Station entry
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Station images
USS Vengeance Constructon Station
A view of the massive construction yard for the USS Vengeance. [1]
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Station images
USS Vengeance Constructon Station
The size of the structure is far larger than any prior construction facility. [1]
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Station images
USS Vengeance Constructon Station
A close up view showing a shuttle hovering above edge of the structure. [1]
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Station images
USS Vengeance Constructon Station
The doors start to open and the shuttle moves to enter. [1]
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Contact Weapons - Bat'Leth - Image 3 [12]
A six pronged bat'leth in use in the alternate timeline created by Nero. [1]
Weapons entry
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Disruptors - Image 30 [13]
Klingon disruptor rifle, 2259, Kelvin timeline. [1]
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Heavy Hand Cannon - Image 1 [1]
An image of the weapon [1]
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Heavy Hand Cannon - Image 2 [1]
A front on view of the heavy hand cannon. [1]
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Phasers - Type Three - Image 21
Kirk using a Starfleet phaser rifle in the alternate timeline created by Nero. [1]
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Phasers - Type Three - Image 22
A pair of rifles from the alternate timeline. [1]
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Phasers - Type Two - Image 46 [14]
A hand phaser from the alternate timeline created by Nero. [1]
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Phasers - Type Two - Image 47 [14]
A closer view of the alternate timeline phaser. [1]
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Phasers - Type Two - Image 51 [14]
An advanced phaser carried by the crew of the USS Vengeance. Note that this version has twin emitters, avoiding the need to spin between stunt and kill, that traditional phasers of the time where required to perform. [1]
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Photon Torpedoes - Image 23 [13]
An advanced photon torpedo developed by Khan Noonien Singh for Starfleet in the alternate timeline created by Nero. The weapon has extremely long range, able to reach Kronos from the edge of Klingon space. [1]
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Photon Torpedoes - Image 24 [13]
Carol Marcus examines an advanced photon torpedo. [1]
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Photon Torpedoes - Image 25 [13]
A closer view of Carol Marcus disarming an advanced photon. [1]
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Photon Torpedoes - Image 26 [13]
The interior of the advanced photon was shielded against sensor probes. [1]
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Photon Torpedoes - Image 27 [13]
An advanced photon is loaded into a torpedo tube. [1]
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Photon Torpedoes - Image 28 [13]
An advanced photon in the torpedo tube, ready for launch. [1]
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Starfleet Phaser Rifle - Image 1 [1]
Spock carrying the rifle on the Klingon homeworld. [1]
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Torpedo Pod - Image 1
A torpedo pod in use. It originated from the USS Vengeance in the background. The white torpedo can be seen firing from the pod. The con trails of prior torpedos fired from the pod can be seen. [1]
Weapons entry

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek Into Darkness
2 Star Trek XI
3 Generic canonical information
4 DS9 4 Starship Down
5 Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
6 TOS 2 Obsession
7 TOS 1 The Corbomite Maneuver
8 TOS 1 The City on the Edge of Forever
9 Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
10 TOS 1 Errand of Mercy
11 2013 virtual collectible card battle game Star Trek: Rivals
12 TNG 4 Reunion
13 TOS 1 Arena
14 TOS 1 The Devil in the Dark
Film: Star Trek Into Darkness
Film: Star Trek XI
Source : Generic canonical information
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Starship Down
Film: Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Obsession
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Corbomite Maneuver
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The City on the Edge of Forever
Film: Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Errand of Mercy
Source : 2013 virtual collectible card battle game Star Trek: Rivals
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Reunion
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Arena
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Devil in the Dark

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 17,628 Last updated : 30 Dec 2024