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Episode image
A Flagship Battle
A Klingon torpedo passes through the Enterprise-D's shields. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
The Enterprise returns fire. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
The Enterprise takes a hit to the port nacelle. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
Further hits, this time from disrupter fire. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
B'Etor at the weapons station of her Bird of Prey. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
The Enterprise launches a torpedo of her own. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
The Bird of Prey is destroyed. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
The Enterprise-D separates. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
The engineering hull explodes. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
The saucer section of the Enterprise entering the atmosphere of Veridian III. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
The saucer section moments before contact with the surface. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
The saucer digs in for a crash landing. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
A Flagship Battle
The wrecked saucer on the surface of Veridian III. [1]
Battles entry
Episode image
Big Bang No. 3
The Enterprise-D star drive section is vapourised by a core breach. The saucer crashes on Viridian III and is considered unsalvageable. Another permanent end to a ship that gave us some of the greatest adventures ever.
Big-bangs entry
Episode image
Forcas III Drink [1]
A picture of Forcas III Drink [1]
Food entry
Episode image
Ktarian Eggs [1]
A picture of Ktarian Eggs [1]
Food entry
Episode image
Sailing ship Enterprise [2]
A picture from Sailing ship Enterprise [1]
Holoprogs entry
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Antonia [1]
A picture of Antonia [1]
People entry
Episode image
Demora Sulu [1]
A picture of Demora Sulu [1]
People entry
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Farrell [1]
A picture of Lieutenant Farrell [1]
People entry
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John Harriman [1]
A picture of Captain John Harriman [1]
People entry
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Hayes [1]
A picture of Ensign Hayes [1]
People entry
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Jean-Luc Picard [3]
...and shortly before the loss of that ship in 2371. [1]
People entry
Episode image
William T. Riker [3]
Riker in the new look uniform issued to starship crews in 2371. [1]
People entry
Episode image
Tommy Singer [4]
Singer [4] on the bridge of the Enterprise-B. [1]
People entry
Episode image
Tolian Soran [1]
A picture of Dr. Tolian Soran [1]
People entry
Episode image
Mark Tobiaston [5]
Tobiaston [5] on the bridge of the Enterprise-B. [1]
People entry
Episode image
Voight [5]
Voight [5] on the Enterprise-B Bridge. [1]
People entry
Episode image
Veridian I [1]
A picture of Veridian I [1]
Planets entry
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Veridian II [1]
A picture of Veridian II [1]
Planets entry
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Veridian III [1]
A picture of Veridian III [1]
Planets entry
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Veridian IV [1]
A picture of Veridian IV [1]
Planets entry
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Veridian V [1]
A picture of Veridian V [1]
Planets entry
Episode image
Veridian VI [1]
A picture of Veridian VI [1]
Planets entry
Episode image
Computers - Positronic [6]
Data's positronic brain is the only one currently operational. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Force Fields - Inertial Dampening Field [7]
The Inertial Dampers are one of those systems that you never notice until they stop working... [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Force Fields - Shields [8]
The shield bubble of the Enterprise-D lights up as the ship takes a hit. This weapon had been tuned to pass through a sensor window, largely bypassing the shields. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Spatial Anomalies - The Nexus [1]
The Enterprise-B approaches the Nexus. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Spatial Anomalies - The Nexus [1]
Another shot of the Enterprise-B against the Nexus. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Spatial Anomalies - The Nexus [1]
The Nexus approaching Dr. Soran. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Spatial Anomalies - The Nexus [1]
The Nexus in the Veridian system. Note the shockwave approaching the planet. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Stellar Cartography [9]
The holographic imaging chamber. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Stellar Cartography [9]
Another view of the imaging chamber. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Episode image
Ship images
Excelsior Class [10]
This dramatic shot shows the Enterprise-B leaving spacedock shortly after her launching ceremony. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Galaxy Class [3]
The saucer section of the Enterprise-D plunges to its doom on Veridian III. [1] The pride of the class was partly maintained by the fact that not a single fatality resulted from this crash-landing.
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship images
Galaxy Class [3]
An aft view of the Galaxy Class. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship images
Klingon Bird of Prey
A Bird of Prey takes a hit from the Enterprise-D. [1]
Ship entry
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Ship images
Nebula Class [11]
This view of the USS Farragut (NCC 60591) was taken in orbit of Veridian III after the destruction of the USS Enterprise (NCC 1701-D). [1] The Farragut was destroyed in 2373 by Klingon forces near the Lembatta cluster while on its way to evacuate colonists from Ajilon Prime.
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship images
Nebula Class [11]
An aft quarter view. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship images
VIP Shuttle
A VIP shuttle on the crashed hull of the Enterprise-D. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship images
VIP Shuttle
A VIP shuttle in flight. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship images
Whorfin Class
An external view of Whorfin Class [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship internals
Excelsior Class [10]
The bridge of the modified Excelsior class Enterprise-B, 2293. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship internals
Excelsior Class [10]
A turbolift on the USS Enterprise-B. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship internals
Excelsior Class [10]
The Enterprise-B's medical bay. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship internals
Excelsior Class [10]
A vertical section of an Excelsior's crawlway spaces. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship internals
Excelsior Class [10]
A length of corridor on an Excelsior class. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship internals
Galaxy Class [3]
Galaxy class stellar cartography viewing room. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship internals
Klingon Bird of Prey
A corridor on a Klingon Bird of Prey. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
Ship internals
Klingon Bird of Prey
A room within a Klingon bird of prey. [1]
Ship entry
Episode image
DITL Species No. 1030
A member of the species [1]
Species entry
Episode image
El-Aurians [1]
Doctor Tolian Soran, an El Aurian who attempted to murder hundreds of millions of people to facilitate his return to the Nexus. [1]
Species entry
Episode image
Great Dane [1]
A member of the Great Dane species [1]
Species entry
Episode image
Horse [1]
A member of the Horse species [1]
Species entry
Episode image
Humans [12]
Humans have a far greater range of physical variation than is the average for alpha quadrant species. This image shows both genders and three different races. [1]
Species entry
Episode image
Humans [12]
Two Human males - Starfleet officers Jean Luc Picard and James T. Kirk. [1]
Species entry
Episode image
Station images
Amargosa Observatory
An external view of Amargosa Observatory [1]
Station entry
Episode image
Station images
Amargosa Observatory
A wide shot of the observatory. Note the approaching blast front. [1]
Station entry
Episode image
Station images
Amargosa Observatory
A Bird of Prey alongside Amargosa. [1]
Station entry
Episode image
Station internals
Amargosa Observatory
The main laboratory of the Amargosa Observatory. [1]
Station entry
Episode image
Station internals
Amargosa Observatory
Dr. Soren's research laboratory on the Amargosa observatory. Hidden behind a secret panel, he developed and stored his trilithium weapon here. [1]
Station entry
Episode image
The Amargosa star collapses. [1]
Temporal entry
Episode image
Soran firing on Picard. [1]
Temporal entry
Episode image
Soran's probe launching from Veridian III. [1]
Temporal entry
Episode image
The probe approaches the Veridian star. [1]
Temporal entry
Episode image
Veridian III is destroyed. [1]
Temporal entry
Episode image
The Enterprise-D battles Lursa and B'Etor. [1]
Temporal entry
Episode image
The Enterprise-D saucer section crashlanded on Veridian III. [1]
Temporal entry
Episode image
Picard in the nexus. [1]
Temporal entry
Episode image
Kirk in the nexus. [1]
Temporal entry
Episode image
Soran's probe explodes as he tries to launch it. [1]
Temporal entry
Episode image
Photon Torpedoes - Image 20 [8]
Mark V photon torpedo casings, modified by Dr. Soren to use trilithium warheads against stars. [1]
Weapons entry
Episode image
Soren's Phaser - Image 1 [1]
An image of the weapon [1]
Weapons entry
Episode image
Soren's Phaser - Image 1 [1]
An image of the weapon [1]
Weapons entry
Episode image
Trilithium Torpedoes - Image 1 [1]
A holographic simulation of a trilithium torpedo firing from a planetary surface. Only the efforts of two Starfleet officers prevented this happening for real. [1]
Weapons entry
Episode image
Trilithium Torpedoes - Image 2 [1]
This image shows the weapon climbing through the atmosphere. Once clear it would go into warp to reach the sun as quickly as possible so as to reduce the chances of interception. [1]
Weapons entry
Episode image
Trilithium Torpedoes - Image 3 [1]
This log record from the Enterprise-D shows Captain Picard with the Amargosa sun collapsing in the background. The initial blast produced a level 12 shockwave. [1]
Weapons entry
Episode image
Trilithium Torpedoes - Image 4 [1]
A planet in the Amargosa system as the shockwave hits it. This shot was taken by the Enterprise-D sensors a few seconds before the ship went into warp. [1]
Weapons entry

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek : Generations
2 Star Trek Encyclopedia
3 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
4 The Captain's Daughter
5 Star Trek Customizable Card Game
6 TNG 1 When the Bough Breaks
7 Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
8 TOS 1 Arena
9 TNG 6 Lessons
10 Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
11 TNG 4 The Wounded
12 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Book : Star Trek Encyclopedia
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Novel : The Captain's Daughter
Source : Star Trek Customizable Card Game
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : When the Bough Breaks
Book : Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Arena
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Lessons
Film: Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Wounded
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,394 Last updated : 23 Aug 2021