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First Contact

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Sector 001
The Borg arrive at Earth. [1] By this time, the Federation fleet had been in a running battle for several days and had lost over three hundred ships.
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Sector 001
Defiant fires on the Borg cube. Note the extensive damage to the starboard nacelle. [1]
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Sector 001
The Enterprise-E arrives at the battle scene. [1] The shields of the Sovereign class were specially designed to take this kind of punishment from the Borg. The ship in the bottom part of the image is a Saber class.
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Sector 001
The Enterprise-E fires her Type 12 phasers in anger for the first time. The devastating power of these weapons proved more than equal to expectations. [1]
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Sector 001
Here a Steamrunner class vessel fires her main phaser while an Akira prepares to fire photon torpedoes. Both classes featured prominently in the battle. [1]
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Sector 001
The Starfleet ships finally discovered a vulnerable point on the Borg ship - and exploited it fully! [1]
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Sector 001
This image of the Borg cube disintergrating also shows the spherical escape pod launched in a last-ditch attempt to assimilate Earth. [1]
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Sector 001
The Akira-class USS Thunderchild escapes the Borg cubes destruction. Several ships where lost in this blast. [1]
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Sector 001
The Enterprise-E is seen here following the Borg sphere through a temporal rift. [1]
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Sector 001
Quantum torpedoes race in as the Borg sphere fires on 2063 Earth. [1]
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Sector 001
The sphere proved to be poorly equipped to handle the firepower of a Starfleet battlecruiser. Several Borg transported to the Enterprise and attempted to assimilate the ship in order to carry out their plans. [1]
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Tequila [1]
A picture of Tequila [1]
Food entry
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DITL Nebulae No. 51
A picture of DITL Nebula 51 [1]
Nebulae entry
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Zefram Cochrane [2]
Cochrane in 2063. [1]
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Zefram Cochrane [2]
Cochrane on his historic flight. [1]
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Daniels [1]
A picture of Daniels [1]
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Data [3]
Data partially assimilated by the Borg. [1]
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Eiger [1]
A picture of Eiger [1]
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EMH E-E [1]
A picture of EMH E-E [1]
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Hawk [1]
A picture of Lieutenant Hawk [1]
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Hayes [4]
A picture of Admiral Hayes. [1]
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Geordi La Forge [3]
By 2373 Geordi had replaced his VISOR with Ocular Implants. [1]
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Geordi La Forge [3]
A close up view of the implants. [1]
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Lynch [1]
A picture of Ensign Lynch [1]
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Nicky the Nose [1]
A picture of Nicky the Nose [1]
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Paul Porter [1]
A picture of Ensign Paul Porter [1]
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Borg Queen [1]
A picture of Borg Queen [1]
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Ruby [1]
A picture of Ruby [1]
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Lily Sloane [1]
A picture of Lily Sloane [1]
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Ship images
Akira Class
The Akira class USS Thunderchild fires a forward photon torpedo tube. [1]
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Ship images
Akira Class
This view of an Akira class vessel shows the nacelles and navigational deflector. [1]
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Ship images
Akira Class
An Akira attacks a Borg cube. The ship was destroyed moments later. [1]
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Borg Cube
USS Defiant is hit by a Borg tractor beam as a photon torpedo tracks in on the cube. Although it performed well, the Defiant was eventually overwhelmed and severely damaged by the Borg during this battle. [1]
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Borg Sphere
Some spheres seem to be a combination lifeboat and science vessel. [1] Other examples have been biased towards tactical or other functions. [5]
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Borg Sphere
The first known example of the Borg sphere as it approaches Earth in 2063. [1]
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Miranda Class
A Miranda class Starship - this is the USS Reliant before she was destroyed by Khan Noonian Sing, who had taken over the ship. [6] Note the rollbar-mounted torpedo tubes, [6] also featured on the much more recent Akira class starship. [1]
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Norway Class
This shot of a Norway shows it engaging a Borg cube. [1] These ships have only rarely engaged in combat.
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Saber Class
A Saber, Akira and Norway class. [1]
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Saber Class
A Saber fires a photon torpedo. [1]
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Sovereign Class [1]
A forward view of the USS Enterprise-E orbiting Earth. Note the quantum torpedo turret forward of the main deflector dish. [1]
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Ship images
Sovereign Class [1]
The USS Enterprise shows off her nacelles. The sleek profile gives the ship an excellent warp field shape, making her one of the fastest in the fleet. [1]
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Ship images
Sovereign Class [1]
The Enterprise-E lets fly with her Quantum torpedo turret. This launcher is capable of firing several torpedoes per second. [1]
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Sovereign Class [1]
The Enterprise-E launches escape pods. [1]
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Sovereign Class [1]
The Enterprise-E shows her nacelles. [1]
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Sovereign Class [1]
The Enterprise-E near the Romulan border. [1]
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Sovereign Class Escape Pod
A pair of escape pods in flight. [1]
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Steamrunner Class
A Steamrunner class ship at the Sector 001 battle. [1]
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Ship images
Steamrunner Class
A crippled Steamrunner at Sector 001. [1]
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The Phoenix
Phoenix sheds her launch covering and begins to deploy the nacelles. [1]
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The Phoenix
The Phoenix preparing to activate her warp engines. Note the fully deployed nacelles. [1]
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Ship images
The Phoenix
The characteristic brilliant glow of a warp drive engaging. [1]
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Ship images
The Phoenix
The Phoenix atop a converted missile within its silo. [1]
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Vulcan Lander
This view of a Vulcan lander shows one of the three impulse engines. [1]
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Vulcan Lander
A Vulcan lander touches down on Earth for the first time, to be greeted by a waiting crowd. [1]
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Vulcan Lander
A view of the exit opening. [1]
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Vulcan Lander
A crew member emerges. [1]
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Ship internals
Borg Cube
The interior of a Borg cube. [1]
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Ship internals
Sovereign Class [1]
The bridge of the Sovereign class Enterprise-E, 2373. [1]
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Ship internals
Sovereign Class [1]
Conference room aboard a Sovereign class. [1]
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Ship internals
Sovereign Class [1]
An engineering crawlway aboard the Sovereign class. [1]
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Ship internals
Sovereign Class [1]
A view of main engineering aboard a Sovereign class, showing the warp core. [1]
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Ship internals
Sovereign Class [1]
Another section of main engineering on a Sovereign, infested by Borg. [1]
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Ship internals
Sovereign Class [1]
An area aboard a Sovereign class Starship. [1]
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Ship internals
Sovereign Class [1]
A corridor aboard a Sovereign class, with Borg infestation visible. [1]
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Ship internals
Sovereign Class [1]
An airlock aboard a Sovereign class. [1]
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Ship internals
Sovereign Class [1]
One of the armouries aboard a Sovereign class. [1]
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Ship internals
Sovereign Class [1]
This room contained a large hatch in the ship's exterior hull. When opened, the aperture is protected by a forcefield. [1]
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Ship internals
The Phoenix
The interior of the legendary Phoenix. [1]
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Borg [7]
A typical Borg has one eye replaced with a cybernetic implant. Other modifications include subdermal armour, skin modified to withstand vacuum, and personal forcefields. [1]
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Borg [7]
A Borg drone injects nanoprobes into a victim. [1]
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Borg [7]
The Human on the left is showing more substantial implants; on the right, a full drone. [1]
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Borg [7]
The early stages of assimilation. Nanoprobes under the skin begin constructing implants immediately. [1]
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Borg [7]
The Borg 'Queen' encountered by the Enterprise-E is thought to be a personification of the Borg collective, created to interact with other species. She is one of the most heavily modified of the Borg. [1]
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Vulcans [8]
The moment of First Contact between Vulcans and Humans. [1]
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First Contact
The Borg Sphere generates a temporal vortex. [1]
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First Contact
The Enterprise-E caught in the temporal wake. [1]
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First Contact
A Borgified Earth. [1]
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First Contact
The Enterprise follows the sphere. [1]
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First Contact
The Sphere is destroyed. [1]
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First Contact
The Phoenix launches. [1]
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First Contact
The Pheonix jumps to warp. [1]
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First Contact
The Vulcan ship lands at Cochrane's camp. [1]
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First Contact
The moment of first contact. [1]
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Phasers - Type Three - Image 16
A view of a Type 3 rifle showing the target scope. [1]
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Phasers - Type Three - Image 17
A Type 3 in action. [1]
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Phasers - Type Three - Image 18
This phaser rifle was in use aboard the USS Enterprise-E. [1]
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Phasers - Type Twelve - Image 1
The USS Enterprise-E fires her main Type 12 Phaser array. The type twelve was previously classified as the "Type 10+" for security reasons; prior to their use on the USS Sovereign these weapons were only used in heavy planetary defence arrays. [1]
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Projectile Weapons - Calico M960 - Image 1
Lily holding an M960. [1]
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Projectile Weapons - Calico M960 - Image 2
And a moment later, firing. [1]
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Projectile Weapons - Thompson sub-machine gun - Image 3
Picard firing on the Borg. [1]
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Quantum Torpedoes - Image 1 [9]
The USS Enterprise-E fires a volley of Quantum torpedoes from her rapid fire launcher. [1]
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Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek : First Contact
2 TOS 2 Metamorphosis
3 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
4 Various Voyager episodes
5 VOY 5 Dark Frontier, Part 1
6 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
7 TNG 2 Q Who
8 TOS 1 The Naked Time
9 DS9 3 Defiant
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Metamorphosis
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : VOY Season
Episode : Various Voyager episodes
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Dark Frontier, Part 1
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Q Who
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Naked Time
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Defiant

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,611 Last updated : 23 May 2004