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A Private Little War

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Nona : 
"And you have ways as far above fire-sticks as the sky above our world!"
to Kirk
Kirk : 
"We once were as you are, spears, arrows. There came a time when our weapons grew faster than our wisdom, and we almost destroyed ourselves. We learned from this to make a rule during all our travels; never to cause the same to happen to other worlds."
explaining the Prime Directive to Nona and Tyree
Apella : 
"I thought my people would grow tired of killing. But you were right. They see that it is easier than trading... and it has pleasures."
to Krell
Kirk : 
"Bones, do you remember the 20th century brush wars on the Asian continent? Two giant powers involved, much like the Klingons and ourselves. Neither side could pull out."
McCoy : 
"Yes. It went on bloody year after bloody year!"
Kirk : 
"What would you have suggested, that one side arm its friends with an overpowering weapon? Mankind would never have lived to travel space if they had! No. The only solution is what happened back then. Balance of power."
McCoy : 
"And if the Klingons give their side even more?"
Kirk : 
"Then we arm our side with exactly that much more. A balance of power, the trickiest, most difficult, dirtiest game of them all. But the only one that preserves both sides."
McCoy : 
"Well, Jim, here's another morsel of agony for you. Since Tyree won't fight, he will be one of the first to die."
to Kirk
Nona : 
"You are here because I wished you here."
Kirk : 
"Oh? I thought it was my idea."
Nona : 
"Yes. They always believe they come of free will."
Kirk : 
"Tomorrow... in the palm of her hands."
to McCoy; on the phaser Nona stole
McCoy : 
"Well, you got what you wanted."
Kirk : 
"Not what I wanted, Bones. What had to be."
Kirk : 
"Spock, ask Scotty how long it would take him to reproduce a hundred flintlocks."
Scotty : 
"I didn't get that exactly, Captain. A hundred what?"
Kirk : 
"A hundred... serpents. Serpents for the garden of Eden. We're very tired, Mr. Spock. Beam us up home."
Nona : 
"Touch me again and this small box will kill you!"
to Villagers
Nona : 
"I am a Kahn-ut-tu woman. In all this land, how many are there? Men seek us because through us they become great leaders."
to Tyree
Nona : 
"Our blood has passed through the mahko root together. Our souls have been together. He is mine now."
to McCoy; regarding her healing of Kirk.
Nona : 
"There's an old custom among my people. When a woman saves a man's life, he is grateful!"
to Kirk
Nona : 
"We must fight or die! Is dying better? You would let him die when you have weapons to make him powerful and safe? Then he has the wrong friends! And I have the wrong husband!"
to Kirk
Apella : 
"A quarrel by my people. A division of some skins and a hill woman taken this morning. It's hard to divide one woman."
Krell : 
"Give her to the man who killed the most of her people. The others will see the profit in bravery. I'll make a Klingon of you yet."

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 9,091 Last updated : 27 Jul 2022