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Star Trek Into Darkness

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 12
Kirk : 
"Spock, nobody knows the rules better than you but there has got to be an exception!"
to Spock
Kirk : 
"If Spock were here and I were there... what would he do?"
McCoy : 
"He'd let you die."
Kirk : 
"A five year mission Spock! That's deep space, that's uncharted territory, think how incredible that's going to be!"
to Spock
Kirk : 
"Well sir volatile is all relative, maybe our data was off."
Pike : 
"Or maybe it didn't erupt because Mr. Spock detonated a cold fusion device inside it right after a civilisation that's barely invented the wheel happened to see a starship rising out of their ocean!"
Spock : 
"Had the mission gone to plan, Admiral, the indigenous species would not have been aware of our interference."
Pike : 
"That's a technicality!"
Spock : 
"I am Vulcan sir, we embrace technicality."
Pike : 
"That's your problem, you think you're infallible. You think you can't make a mistake. It's a pattern with you. The rules are for other people. And what's worse is, you're using blind luck to justify your playing god!"
to Kirk
Pike : 
"You're going to be my first officer. Admiral Marcus took some convincing. But every now and then I can make a good case."
Kirk : 
"What did you tell him?"
Pike : 
"The truth. That I believe in you. That if anybody deserves a second chance it's Jim Kirk.
Kirk : 
"I don't know what to say..."
Pike : 
"That is a first. It's going to be okay, son."
Admiral Marcus : 
"You park at the edge of the neutral zone, you lock on to Harrison's position, you fire, you kill him, and you haul ass."
to Kirk
Scotty : 
"That's what scares me! This is clearly a military operation... is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!"
to Kirk
Sulu : 
"Attention John Harrison. This is Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Enterprise. A shuttle of highly trained officers is on its way to your location. If you do not surrender to them immediately, I will unleash the entire payload of advanced long-range torpedoes currently locked on to your location. You have two minutes to confirm your compliance. Refusal to do so will result in your obliteration. And If you test me, you will fail."
to Harrison
Spock : 
"You misunderstand. It is true I chose not to feel anything on realising that my own life was ending. As Admiral Pike was dying I joined with his consciousness and experienced what he felt at the moment of his passing. Anger... confusion... loneliness... fear. I have experienced those feelings before, multiplied exponentially on the day my planet was destroyed. Such a feeling is something I choose never to experience again. Nyota, you mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring. Well I assure you, the truth is precisely the opposite."
to Uhura
Kirk : 
"Let me explain what's happening here. You are a criminal. I watched you murder innocent men and women. I was authorised to end you, and the only reason why you are still alive is because I am allowing it. So shut your mouth!"
to Khan
Scotty : 
"Oh, well now! If it isn't Captain James Tiberius Perfect-hair!"
to Kirk
Khan : 
"My crew is my family, Kirk. Is there anything you would not do for your family?"
to Kirk
Kirk : 
"You're right! What I'm about to do, it doesn't make any sense. It's not logical, it is a gut feeling. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do... I only know what I can do. The Enterprise and her crew need someone in that chair who knows what he's doing. And it's not me. It's you, Spock."
to Spock
Old Spock : 
"As you know, I have made a vow never to give you information that could potentially alter your destiny. Your path is yours to walk, yours alone. That being said... Khan Noonien Singh is the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise ever faced. He is brilliant, ruthless, and he will not hesitate to kill every single one of you."
Spock : 
"Did you defeat him?"
Old Spock : 
"At great cost... yes."
McCoy : 
"Dammit man I'm a doctor, not a torpedo technician!"
to Spock
Scotty : 
"I thought he was helping us!"
Kirk : 
"I'm pretty sure we're helping him."
Khan : 
"Well Kirk. Seems apt to return you to your crew. After all, no ship should go down without her Captain."
to Kirk
Spock : 
screaming in grief
McCoy : 
"Oh, don't be so melodramatic. You were barely dead."
to Kirk
McCoy : 
"Once we caught him, I synthesised a serum from his... super blood. Tell me, are you feeling homicidal, power mad, despotic?"
Kirk : 
"No more than usual."
Kirk : 
"There will always be those who mean to do us harm. To stop them, we risk awakening the same evil within ourselves. Our first instinct is to seek revenge when those we love are taken from us. But that's not who we are. We are here today to re-christen the USS Enterprise and to honour those who lost their lives nearly one year ago. When Christopher Pike first gave me his ship, he had me recite the Captain's Oath. Words I didn't appreciate at the time. Now I see them as a call for us to remember who we once were and who we must be again. And those words? Space... the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, her five year mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations. To boldly go where no one has gone before."

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 24,657 Last updated : 25 Oct 2017