Illyrian colony buildings, Hetemit IX 1
Buildings of the failed Illyrian colony on Hetemit IX in 2258. [1]
Architecture entry
Illyrian colony buildings, Hetemit IX 2
Buildings of the failed Illyrian colony on Hetemit IX in 2258. [1]
Architecture entry
Illyrian colony buildings, Hetemit IX 3
Buildings of the failed Illyrian colony on Hetemit IX in 2258. [1]
Architecture entry
Light Virus
A picture of an illerian infected with the virus. [1]
Illnesses entry
Light Virus
A picture of a human infected with the virus seeking out light. [1]
Illnesses entry
Light Virus
As the illness progresses, sufferers seek out more and more extreme forms of light. [1]
Illnesses entry
Light Virus
One sufferer went as far as to attempt to cause a warp core breach in order to satisfy their craving for light. [1]
Illnesses entry
A picture of Rukiya in 2258, on one of her few visits out of the transporter. [1]
People entry
The Enterprise approaches Hetemit IX, with an ion storm in progress. [1]
Planets entry
Medical Technology - Auto Sampler
The device is pressed to the skin or clothing. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Medical Technology - Auto Sampler
Press the button and the vile starts to fill. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Medical Technology - Auto Sampler
Until enough sample is available. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Ship internals
The warp core of the USS Enterprise in 2258. [1]
Ship entry
Ship internals
A view of the transporter room looking from the transport pads in 2258. [1]
Ship entry
Ship internals
A view of the surgical bay in sickbay in 2258. [1]
Ship entry
Ship internals
Another view of the surgical bay and doctors' office in 2258. [1]
Ship entry
Ship internals
The sleeping area of the first officer's cabin in 2258. [1]
Ship entry
Ship internals
Another area of the first officer's quarters in 2258. [1]
Ship entry
Ship internals
Junior officers' quarters in 2258. They would be shared by three or more people. [1]
Ship entry
Ship internals
An engineering station in the engine room. [1]
Ship entry
Ship internals
The communication desk and turbo lift at the rear of the bridge. [1]
Ship entry
Members of the species can be indistinguishable from humans. [1]
Species entry
Some members have transformed themselves into energy beings. [1]
Species entry
They used their new form to protect the USS Enterprise crew from a ion storm. [1]
Species entry