Title :
Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
29 Oct 2017
Stardate :
Director :
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Writers :
Season Ep :
While attending a party, Burnham and Tyler are called to the bridge to deal with a Gormagander, an endangered space creature. Standing orders require that they transport it to a rescue facility. When the creature is brought onboard, it is revealed to be carrying Harry Mudd, a criminal who Lorca had met while in Klingon custody. Mudd plans to kill Lorca and sell the ship to the Klingons, but when he is caught by Discovery's crew he decides to blow up the ship instead.
For some reason, time is reset and Burnham and Tyler find themselves in the party again, with no recollection of the events. Once again they are called to the bridge but are intercepted by Stamets, who is aware that they are in a time loop due to his interactions with Ripper's DNA. Over many time loops, Stamets works with Burnham and Tyler to find a solution to the problem while Mudd gets further and further along with his plan. They eventually trick Mudd into believing that he has succeeded, and he ends the time loop.
Preparing to receive a boarding party of Klingons, Mudd is instead confronted by his "beloved" Stella and her father, from whom he had stolen her dowry. They take Mudd away to be married, much to Mudd's chagrin.
Stamets reveals to Burnham and Tyler that in one of the time loops they had danced together and kissed.