Title :
Past Tense, Part 1
Series :
Rating :
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First Aired :
2 Jan 1995
Stardate :
Director :
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Season Ep :
Less a YATI than an observation - this Federation sure is fragile. It seems like there's no change in history so small that it doesn't wipe the Federation out of the timeline.
Factoid :
The idea of something like a Sanctuary district for the homeless was actually proposed at about the time this episode was filming.
A transporter accident throws Commander Sisko, Dr. Bashir and Dax into the year 2024. While Jadzia is taken in by a passing millionaire, Sisko and Bashir are picked up by the police and thrown into a 'Sanctuary district' - a dumping ground for the homeless and jobless. History buff Sisko realises that the historical Bell Riots will occur in just a few days time - but when Bell himself is killed in a fight Bashir starts, the Defiant finds herself alone in a future in which the Federation never existed.