Title :
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
17 Sep 2003
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
Great Moment :
The sphere; an interesting development, and one that didn't just end up as an object-of-the-week like some spheres we could mention (Relics, anybody?)
Body Count :
Two people shot and two beaten up during the raid. Archer tortures one of the captives but doesn't kill him. Casulaties may have occurred on the alien ship during the battle, but this is not seen or mentioned.
Factoid :
This episode mentions stembolts - I wonder if they are the self sealing sort?
Enterprise stumbles into one of the Expanse's many anomalies and is crippled. An alien spacecraft takes the opportunity to raid the ship, stealing many supplies and most of the antimatter fuel. With only weeks worth of fuel left, Archer determines to track down the aliens and regain the missing equipment - but the chase will lead to an unexpected destination.