Title :
The Galactic Barrier
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
24 Jan 2021
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
Fearing retaliation from Species 10-C, President Rillak accelerates the timeline for first contact. She, T'Rina, and several diplomats board Discovery and they jump to the galactic barrier, ready to begin the dangerous journey through it. Before they lose contact with the Federation, they are contacted by Vance who tells them that the DMA is now on course to destroy Earth and Ni'Var.
Meanwhile, Book and Tarka need programmable anti-matter to make it through the barrier themselves. They travel to an abandoned prison site, where Tarka was once held and has since stored a supply. Tarka explains that during his internment he had befriended a fellow prisoner, Oros, who built a machine to transport them to a peaceful parallel universe.
The two were separated and Tarka doesn't know if Oros was successful in escaping. He hopes so and has built his own machine so that he can also travel there in the hope of finding his friend. His machine, however, requires a large amount of power and Tarka had hoped to use the DMA's power source to make it work. He surmises that the power source must be located outside the galactic barrier with the 10-C.
After a difficult flight, Discovery emerges from the galactic barrier and begins travelling towards 10-C's coordinates.