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First Aired :
17 Jan 2021
Stardate :
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Season Ep :
Security officer Nhan, who used to work on Discovery, is assigned to supervise as the crew follows Burnham's tracking device. She has orders to ensure that Burnham does not allow her personal feelings to get in the way of stopping Book and Tarka.
Discovery jumps to a position near Book's ship, where they find that Book and Tarka have completed the weapon. Saru leads a cloaked shuttle to Book's ship in an attempt to disable the weapon, however, they are attacked by a new automated security system that Tarka has installed. Book helps Saru and the shuttle's crew escape back to Discovery, before finding and disabling the tracking device.
Book jumps into the DMA using a new version of the spore drive that Tarka has developed, and Discovery follows. Nhan prepares to order that Book's ship be destroyed before it can attack the controller device at the centre of the DMA.
As both ships approach the controller, Burnham is able to convince Nhan and Book to stand down. Tarka fires the weapon anyway, destroying the DMA. Tarka admits he expected to find the power source for the DMA in the wreckage but there is none to be found. Book and Tarka escape, and a new DMA appears in the same location soon afterwards.