Title :
Choose Your Pain
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
15 Oct 2017
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
After a month of successful operations, made possible by the spore drive, Lorca meets with Starfleet command and is ordered to protect the drive until it can be replicated for use on other ships. While he is returning to the USS Discovery he is taken captive by a group of Klingons led by L'Rell.
During this period Burnham has grown concerned by the toll that the drive has taken on Ripper. Burnham, along with Stamets' partner, medical officer Hugh Culber, convinces Stamets to find an alternative way to run the drive.
Lorca finds himself imprisoned on a Klingon ship with a captured Starfleet officer Ash Tyler and human criminal Harry Mudd. While in captivity Lorca reveals to Tyler that he previously killed his entire crew during an earlier battle to spare them from the Klingons' torture. He was the only one to survive.
Lorca is tortured by L'Rell, who wants to learn the secret behind Discovery's new capabilities. Before she can learn anything, Lorca and Tyler escape and are rescued by Discovery. In order to escape the Klingons, Discovery must make one more jump using the spore drive. Unfortunately, Ripper has finally been pushed too far and curls up into a ball. Unable to jump without Ripper, Stamets connects to the spore drive himself after merging Ripper's DNA with his own, successfully escaping the Klingons and rescuing the Captain. Burnham and Stamets free Ripper.
Later in his quarters Stamets is looking at himself in a mirror washing. After he is finished he walks away but his reflection does not.