Title :
Captive Pursuit
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
31 Jan 1993
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
At the end of the peisode, O'Brien offers to walk the Hunter and Tosk off the station. Since the Hunter's ship was never actually docked to the station, where exactly is O'Brien taking them?
Great Moment :
Sisko telling O'Brien he "forgot" how to catch him while he was on the run with Tosk.
Factoid :
Michael Westmore based the look of Tosk on an alligator he saw in Smithsonian magazine. After enduring long hours in the makeup chair for the role, actor Scott Macdonald was promised further work on Trek - unfortunately his other roles include a Romulan, a Jem'Hadar and a Xindi reptilian on Enterpirse - all of which involve some of the heaviest makeup jobs on the show!
An alien from the far side of the wormhole arrives on the station and befriends O'Brien - but soon a group of pursuers is following, determined to kill him.