Title :
The Catwalk
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
18 Dec 2002
Stardate :
Director :
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Season Ep :
T'Pol claims that a Vulcan ship was "nearly" destroyed by a storm some time ago, and Archer discovers that the ship was actually destroyed. I thought Vulcans couldn't lie?
Also, this storm goes at warp speed. Yet in TNG, Data once claimed there is no known natural phenomenon that could go at warp speed. And if the storm was going at warp speed, how could Archer see it before it arrived? It would have been outrunning the light it emitted!
Great Moment :
I like the idea of the catwalk itself - the set was a bit roomy considering all the talk of how cramped it was supposed to be, but an inspection tunnel like this makes a lot of sense and it's always nice to see new parts of a ship.
Body Count :
Factoid :
Is it me, or is chef becoming the equivalent of Frasier's Maris - often mentioned but never seen. We get to see him from the chest down in this episode, but that's as much as they have ever done.
Enterprise rescues a small group of aliens fleeing a huge energy storm - but when the starship proves unable to outru nthe storm, the crew must take refuge in a heavily shielded inspection tunnel running along one of the nacelles.