Title :
Unification III
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
26 Nov 2020
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
After studying several black boxes, Burnham believes she can find the source of the Burn, but she will require data from Project SB-19, a possible space travel alternative to dilithium developed by the unified Vulcan and Romulan people on Ni'Var, formerly the planet Vulcan.
Ni'Var is no longer a member of the Federation and believe SB-19 could have caused the Burn. As such they do not want to give the data to the Federation. Vance believes Burnham can convince the Ni-Varians to cooperate as her brother Spock began the process of unifying the Vulcans and Romulans hundreds of years earlier.
At Ni'Var, Burnham invokes T'Kal-in-ket, a Vulcan trial intended to verify her scientific claim to the SB-19 data. She is represented by her mother Gabrielle, who, previously trapped in the future has since joined the Qowat Milat, a sect of Romulan warrior nuns. Gabrielle makes Burnham confront her own intentions and sense of confusion about her destiny, leading Burnham to withdraw from the trial. Impressed by this, Ni'Var President T'Rina gives Burnham the SB-19 data.
Meanwhile, Saru names Tilly as his acting first officer.