Title :
If Memory Serves
Series :
Rating :
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First Aired :
7 Mar 2019
Stardate :
Director :
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Season Ep :
In the present, Burnham and Spock secretly travel to Talos IV, where the Talosians heal Spock's mind in exchange for Burnham's memories of emotionally scarring Spock as a child, which they are interested in observing. Now recovered, Spock reveals that he mind-melded with the "Red Angel", who is a time traveller trying to avert a galactic catastrophe in the future.
Stamets attempts to reconnect with Culber, who is going through an identity crisis since his resurrection. Culber confronts Tyler, but realises that he too is going through a similar crisis.
Discovery collects Spock and Burnham, and they escape while Section 31 is distracted by illusions produced by the Talosians.
OK, now we have another episode of TOS being flushed down the toilet. How do Spock and Burnham have knowledge of Talos IV? We see in the TOS Episode "The Cage" that the Talosians and their ability to create illusions are completely unknown to the Federation. Yet here we have Spock visiting the planet prior to his visit in "The Cage".