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TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 2
Title :
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Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
5 May 2022
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
2 x 10
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Great Moment :
Picard asking Laris for a second chance.
Body Count :
Soong kills Tallinn thinking she was Renée Picard.

We assume that Q dies after sending Picard and the team back, although we don't see it happen.

Elnor is resurected by Q.

Rios stays behind in 2024 and we find out that he eventually dies in a bar fight. Teresa dies of old age.
Factoid :
When his research is destroyed by Kore, Adam Soong takes out a paper file labelled "Project Khan". This is a reference to Khan Noonien Singh who was involved in the Eugenics war and later appears in TOS episode "Space Seed" and "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan"

This episode is a nominee for the DITL "Best of Trek" award.


Tallinn thinks that the cryptic message from the Borg Queen means that she must be disguised as Renée and be the one killed, allowing the real one to safely go on the mission. Picard disagrees but she is insistant. Picard and Tallinn go to the launch site. Tallinn goes to see Renée and tells her that she has been her guardian angel all this time.

Adam meets, who he thinks is Renée and kills her using a neurotoxin on a patch on his hand. Tallinn dies in Picard's arms. Thinking himself successful Adam leaves.

Back at his home his backup plan is a set of drones that have been programmed to take out the rocket after its launch. Rios, Raffi and Seven work to destroy the drones by using one of them to attack the others. With both of Soong's plans thwarted Renée is safely on her way.

Back at his home Soong sees footage of the launch and realises he has failed to prevent the mission. He also watches Kore remotely wipe all of his computer files. Left with nothing he retrieves a paper file from a drawer and looks at it. On the cover is Project Khan, he is now going to work on this.

Kore gets a mysterious message to meet in an LA park and goes along to find out what is happening. There she meets with Wesley Crusher. He explains that he is a "Traveller" and that they work to protect the universe from threats. He invites her to join the group and she agrees, they leave together.

Picard meets with Q and they discuss the purpose of the "Trial". Q hopes that he has learned to accept love. Q is going to send them all back, but Rios says he wants to stay. He has never really fitted into the 25th century and wants to stay with Teresa and her son. Q agrees and he says that it will free up a little energy for a little surprise for them. Q uses the last of his energy to send them back.

Back on the bridge of the Stargazer, Picard realises that the Borg Queen must be Agnes and orders everyone to stand down. He allows the Queen to complete her task and she unmasks herself. She explains that there is an imminent threat and that she needs to use the fleet to protect the planet. The Excelsior needs its shields re-aligning to complete the work and they contact the ship. Elnor answers, obviously he is the surprise promised by Q. The fleet, including the Borg vessel stands in front of a newly forming transwarp conduit. A massive energy blast is emitted from it and the combined shields of the entire fleet proves enough to prevent it from destroying the planet, saving billions of lives. Agnes says she doesn't know who is coming through the conduit but offers to stay and keep watch over it. Picard agrees and gives the Borg provisional membership in the Federation.

Picard and the group go to Guinan's bar on Earth to celebrate their return and the restoration of the timeline. After a few toasts Picard says there is somewhere he has to be. He returns home just in time to find Laris with her bags packed and about to leave. He talks to her and asks for a second chance for them to be together. Laris agrees.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 7,754 Last updated : 20 Jan 2023