Title :
The Pirates of Orion
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
7 Sep 1974
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
Kirk and crew continually refer to the Orions are 'Or-ee-on'; before and since, the word has always been pronounced 'Oh-rye-un'.
Factoid :
This is the first episode of Star Trek to show an Orion male; previously we have only seen Green Orion Slave Women.
This is one of a group of TAS episodes set after the last known Stardate for TOS.
Spock is infected with choriocytosis, a deadly Vulcan disease which can only be cured by strobolin. The Enterprise heads for the S.S. Huron to pick up some strobolin, but the freighter is intercepted by Orion pirates. Kirk must engage in a desperate battle to defeat the Orions and recover the medicine.
Special Edition