Title :
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Overall Ep :
First Aired :
22 Nov 1993
Stardate :
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Season Ep :
So why don't Troi and Geordi know instantly that Juliana is an android? Troi's empathic sense should give the game away, and Geordi should see the glow around her as he did Data in "Heart of Glory".
Tainer claims that the solidification of the core has affected the gravity of the planet. This is nonsensical; the only things affecting the gravity of a planet are the mass and diameter. Unless the solidification is actually changing the mass of the planet, or making it shrink or balloon up, then there would be no effect at all on gravity.
Great Moment :
The revelation of the truth about Data's mother.
Body Count :
When Data meets the wife of his creator, he is reluctant to take her at face value. And so he should be, as it turns out.
A very good twist rescues another "Data's past" episode.