Title :
Force of Nature
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
15 Nov 1993
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
So the Enterprise is going to get a "kick" out of its warp engine and cruise out of the rift at warp speed, beaming the crew off the Flemming as they pass. I thought you had to exactly match warp speeds to use transporters, as O'Brien's dialogue in "Best of Both Worlds, Part I" indicates?
Worst Moment :
The whole 'technobabble as plot' syndrome which plagued later Trek is showcased here. The warp speed limit is an utterly silly idea, especially as they seem to ignore it at will in future episodes.
Body Count :
One, Serova kills herself to prove her theory.
Factoid :
Some Hekaran scientists emulate Greenpeace when they realise that warp drive is polluting the universe.
A fair premise drowns under the weight of the technobabble.