Title :
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First Aired :
27 Feb 2002
Stardate :
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This isn't a mistake as such, more an observation - why does Archer keep getting beaten up? Kirk virtually never lost a fistfight, but Archer is constantly being pummelled! It's no wonder the guy has started keeping a pistol handy while on board his own ship...
Great Moment :
T'Pol dreaming.
Body Count :
Archer gets beaten up, but nobody is killed.
Factoid :
Robert Pine also played Ambassador Liria in Voyager's "The Chute".
Although we have no date for this episode, T'Pol tells one of the Vulcans she has been aboard for seven months. That puts this episode around 16th November 2151.
Enterprise encounters an old Vulcan ship whose crew believe that they can successfully intergrate their emotions and logic. Although initially dubious, T'Pol begins to experiment with her own emotions at the urging of one of the Vulcans - but the results are not entirely positive.