Title :
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Overall Ep :
First Aired :
8 Nov 1993
Stardate :
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Season Ep :
While having one of their heart to heart talks, Picard and Crusher confess that they do not 'feel that way' about each other any more. So why do we then have this big 'will they won't they' scene at the end?
Great Moment :
The interplay beteween Picard and Crusher is extremely good, even if they do kill off the idea of them getting together.
Body Count :
Riker's patience with the Kes.
Escaping captivity on the planet Kesprit, a neural implant forces Picard and Crusher to come to terms with their true feelings at last.
So superbly acted all round that it's only on about the fifth viewing that you ralise that the ending makes no sense.