Title :
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Overall Ep :
First Aired :
14 Jun 1993
Stardate :
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Season Ep :
When Picard puts his hand into a time distortion, it ages sufficiently that the nails grow considerably. So... that's at least weeks if not months. And for all that time the rest of his body, outside the time distortion, would not have been supplying the hand with blood. Picard should have pulled out something a lot more unpleasant looking than a hand with long fingernails...
Great Moment :
Everybody does a superb job of standing very still in this episode - try it, it's not easy!
Body Count :
Well technically the crew of the E-D is killed, but this is then undone when time rolls backwards.
Factoid :
This is the only episode of any Star Trek series in which we have seen the rear cabin of a Runabout. Even DS9 never showed us what was back there!
Picard, Data and Troi discover their ship and a Romulan Warbird frozen in time, apparently in the midst of a battle with the Enterprise but an instant from destruction.