Title :
Will You Take My Hand?
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
11 Feb 2018
Stardate :
Director :
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Season Ep :
Tyler suggests that a drone enter Qo'noS's underground dormant volcanic system to covertly search the planet for targets. Discovery jumps to a cave near the system's entrance, and a landing party consisting of Georgiou, Burnham, Tilly, and Tyler pose as traders visiting an Orion outpost on the planet.
Tilly discovers that the volcanic system they are targeting is active, and that Georgiou is actually intending to use a hydro-bomb to explode the system. Burnham confronts Cornwell, who admits that the plan was to detonate the bomb in the active volcano annihilating all life on Qo'noS and winning the war for the Federation.
Burnham insists that Starfleet should not commit genocide and convinces Georgiou to give up the detonator in exchange for her freedom. They give the detonator to L'Rell, who uses the threat of mass destruction to unite the Klingon houses under her leadership and end the war.
The Discovery crew are hailed as heroes and Burnham is issued a full pardon and restored to the rank of commander. Tyler chooses to remain with L'Rell. As Discovery warps to Vulcan to pick up its new captain, the crew receive a distress call from Captain Pike of the USS Enterprise.