Title :
Rightful Heir
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
17 May 1993
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
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Season Ep :
One of the ways Kahless tries to convince Worf that he is real is to talk about a vision of Kahless Worf had as a child. So since Kahless turns out to be a fake, how did he know about Worf's vision? And if Worf had told people about it, then why wouldn't he object that Kahless knowing about it was no proof that he was real?
Great Moment :
Data talking about his 'leap of faith'.
Factoid :
A line cut from this episode places the death of Kahless 1,547 years ago - 822 AD.
Worf has a crisis of faith and no less than the legendary Khaless returns from the dead to help him out - and to reclaim the throne from Gowron.