Title :
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
26 Apr 2000
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
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Season Ep :
The Universal Translator allows B'Elanna to speak the local language, but how come she can read it as well?
Great Moment :
Tuvok, falling asleep in his chair.
Body Count :
Factoid :
Kathleen Garrett played a Vulcan Captain in the DS9 episode "Vortex".
B'Elanna is trapped on a primitive world when the Delta Flyer crashes, her life dependant on local playwright Kelis, who is demanding Voyager stories in return for food. She must tread a careful path between survival and maintaining the Prime Directive while trying to patch together the Flyer's communications system in order to call for help. But when war threatens on the planet, Kelis wants to use his plays to push his leader towards peace - and B'Elanna is tempted to help.