Title :
Fair Haven
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
12 Jan 2000
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
Janeway says: "Then transfer all secondary power sources, transporters, replicators, holodecks.", however, in Parallax we're told that you cannot use holodeck power for any of the ships other systems.
Great Moment :
Janeway modifying Michael to make him her perfect boyfriend.
Body Count :
Factoid :
This episode shows us the holo-lab for the first time, giving some insight into how holoprograms are created.
Tom creates a new holoprogram for the ships crew to relax in - a recreation of a nineteenth century Irish town. Things go swimmingly for a while, with even Janeway getting swept up by one of the locals. Unfortunately, when the ship hits a particle anomaly those pesky holodecks go awry yet again. Don't the manufacturers of these things ever get sued?