Title :
Dragon's Teeth
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
10 Nov 1999
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
During the battle Tuvok reports that Voyager has disabled several Vaadwaur ships, whereas the special effect sequence shows the ships being utterly destroyed.
Great Moment :
The battle sequence in an extremely impressive piece of CGI.
Body Count :
One seen, plus unknown numbers of Vaadwaur.
Factoid :
The Vaadwaur are soon to make a reappearance.
Chased by a hostile species, Voyager comes across a devastated planet with a thousand stasis pods hidden beneath one of the bombed out cities. They wake some of the locals, a species named the Vaadwaur, but as the two groups get to know one another it seems that not all is as it should be with their new friends.