Title :
The Perfect Mate
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
27 Apr 1992
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
It's not a real YATI as such, but it's odd that Kamala looks exactly like a Trill.
Great Moment :
Riker deciding to go to the holodeck after talking to Kamala. Hmmm, what could he be off to do there...?
Body Count :
Factoid :
This is the first time we get to see Picard and Crusher having their breakfast together.
Michael Pillar wanted to end the episode by showing Picard standing up to interrupt the wedding and steal Kamala away, only to then reveal that he was just imagining doing so as he sat and did nothing. Rick Berman nixed the idea.
Famke Janssen was later offered the role of Jadzia Dax on Deep Space Nine. She turned it down.
Picard's fortitude is tested to it's limits when every mans dream professes love for him.