Title :
Equinox, Part 2
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
22 Sep 1999
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
In this episode, Janeway says they are 50 light years from the planet where the Equinox encountered the aliens. Yet last episode, Ransom said his ship had travelled over ten thousand light years since he started using the aliens as fuel.
Great Moment :
The scene where Janeway locks Lessing in the cargo bay and lets an alien in to kill him, while Chakotay becomes more and desperate to stop her, is my personal favourite.
Body Count :
At least 3 dead, 13 wounded on Voyager plus 4 on the Equinox and several aliens
Factoid :
The word 'equinox' refers to the two times each year when the day and night are of the same length, analogous to the way the "good' and 'evil' starships are equally matched in this episode.
With the Equinox crew revealed as traitors, Janeway is determined to hunt them down - but not all the opposition comes from without...