Title :
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Overall Ep :
First Aired :
4 May 1999
Stardate :
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Season Ep :
Janeway's claim that Shannon O'Donnell was her main influence on her choice of career is a contradiction of previous episodes.
Great Moment :
Shannon O'Donnell dreaming of the first moon landing. It's nice to see them tip the hat to the first real astronauts.
Body Count :
Janeway's view of history.
Factoid :
11:59 is only one of two Star Trek episodes without any letters in it's title. Do you know what the other one is, and no I'm not counting "One".
When some of Voyagers crew go through a history fad, Janeway relates the tale of an ancestor who was a pivotal figure in the development of the Millennium Gate, a self sustaining city built on Earth in 2001. However, her research shows that she may have viewed her ancestor through rose tinted glasses.