Title :
The Wolf Inside
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
14 Jan 2018
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
The ISS Shenzhou is contacted by Terran command and given the coordinates of the leadership of the resistance and orders to kill them all. Disregarding the orders Burnham and Tyler beam down to the planet and surrender to the resistance in hopes of learning how the Klingons of this universe have learned to work with other species.
Once there, they discover that the Mirror version of Voq is the resistance leader. Burnham offers to give the group time to escape before the planet is destroyed. Mirror Sarek performs a mind meld and confirms that she can be trusted. Listening to Voq triggers Tyler's programming and he attempts to kill Voq, before he is restrained.
Back on the ship, he tells Burnham that he is now aware he was once Voq. In a typical Terran move she has him beamed into space. Before his death he is picked up by the USS Discovery and imprisoned by Saru, having earlier found the body of Culber. They fail to heal Stamets, who has not been the same since his last spore jump.
Back on the Shenzhou, Burnham is contacted by the Terran Emperor, the Mirror universe version of Georgiou. Burnham is reprimanded for not killing the resistance leaders.