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The Star Gazer

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Title :
The Star Gazer
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
3 Mar 2022
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
2 x 01
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Kay Bess as (voice) La Sirena computer
Orla Brady as Laris
Isa Briones as Soji Asha
Santiago Cabrera as La Sirena ETH / Emmet
James Callis as Maurice Picard
Jimmy Chhiu as Pirate #3
Bethany Michelle Curry as Stargazer officer
Alex Diehl as Harvey
Dinero as (dog) Number One
Alyma Dorsey as Stargazer security officer
Quinn Early as Stargazer bridge officer
Aaron Ford as Stargazer bridge officer
Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan
Menik Gooneratne as Alien emissary
April Grace as Admiral Sally Whitley
Dylan Von Halle as Young Jean-Luc Picard
Lonnie Henderson as Deltan dinner guest
Brian Jansa as Vulcan Stargazer security officer
Richard Jin as Commander Moshe
Floyd Anthony Johns Jr. as Pirate #1
Swati Kapila as Decorated officer
Rich Ceraulo Ko as Handsome Deltan
John de Lancie as Q
Geri-Nikole Love as Lieutenant Urtern
Bryan McCoy as Stargazer security officer
Taylor Piña as Stargazer bridge officer
Adele Pomerenke as Ensign Kemi
Anushka Rani as Lieutenant Sing
Amy Sturdivant as Pirate #2
Madeline Wise as Yvette Gessard Picard
Great Moment :
Well, we have to say that this fleet is a vast improvement on the mono-ship fleet from "Et in Arcadia Ego". It has a wide array of different ship types, including some Sovereign class ships and a host of new ones. I'm happy to say that they are completely documented in backstage information provided by Dave Blass, production designer for the show. Check out the Datapoints button for details.
Body Count :
None we know of, as the Borg Queen is only stunning people.

However, the explosion of the Stargazer would kill all the Borg and crews of the whole fleet.
Factoid :
The New USS Stargazer has a registration number of NCC 82893, which is an update on Picard's USS Stargazer, NCC 2893


After the events on Coppelius, Picard has returned to life on his vineyard. It is now 2401 and his Romulan friend Zhaban has since died. His wife Laris has stayed on at the chateau and has fallen in love with Picard. She tells him and he rejects her advances. The following day he goes to Star Fleet academy, where he is now chancellor, to give the commencement address for the new intake. Amongst them is Elnor, the Federation's first fully Romulan cadet.

After the meeting Picard beams to Los Angeles to visit Guinan in her bar in number 10 Forward Avenue. There he discusses his life-long rejection of romantic relationships.

Meanwhile, in deep space the USS Avalon witnesses the opening of a new spacial anomaly. The new USS Stargazer, captained by Chris Rios, is sent to investigate. Agnes Jurati goes along to assist. There they discover a signal from the Borg asking to join the Federation. The message specifically asks for the assistance of Jean-Luc Picard.

Seven of Nine, who now captains La Sirena, joins them. A fleet of ships is also sent to assist if things develop badly. The fleet includes the new USS Excelsior with Raffi and Elnor onboard. Picard arrives and transmits a message to the Borg. A massive Borg ship comes through the anomoly and attempts to transport their queen onto the bridge of the USS Stargazer. When the Borg queen starts assimilating the ship and the rest of the fleet the crew attempt to subdue her but everything fails and Picard initiates the Stargazer's self distruct mechanism.

After the detonation, Picard awakes in what appears to be his chateau but things are not how they used to be. Q appears and tells him that his trial has never ended.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 7,301 Last updated : 14 Jan 2023