Title :
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Overall Ep :
First Aired :
30 Dec 1996
Stardate :
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Season Ep :
Sisko claims that the stone pillar is eleven metres high - that's about thirty six feet. He then asks for a 75% reconstruction. Yet what he gets is not even close to being twenty seven feet.
Worst Moment :
Sisko really hams it up as the mad prophet in this episode.
Factoid :
Bajor is finally admitted into the Federation; but after finding the legendary lost Bajoran city of Bahala, Sisko begins to have visions of the future. As the visions become more and more intense, the begin to threaten his health - but he refuses all treatment, declaring that Bajor must not join the Federation before lapsing into a coma. It falls to Jake to decide whether to intervene, or trust in the prophets to protect their Emissary.