Review : |
Nero? C'mon.. worst villain ever. ..and these Romulans are really stupid looking. I could stand a retooling and a fresh start, but man did they ever blow it. Paramount has developed a spiteful relationship with true Star Trek fans. Anyone who claims that this movie is a credit to the franchise doesn't respect Star Trek for what it is. It didn't need to be turned in to a boring, cardboard-cutout, sexy, hipster, action, bullshit. Star Trek may be notoriously corny, but the dialogue and general tone (attitude?) of this movie is just all wrong. It's bad karma to do stuff like this. Seriously? The dude that made Lost? Why not just rehire the director from Nemesis if you wanted to make some pretentious crap. What it boils down to? If you can't make something cool that's respectful of these old franchise fiction (this goes for all these new movies based on Comics, too) .. why not I dunno .. try making something original? |