Review : |
It's been over a week since I saw this piece of trash and it still gives me heartburn. You messed with the wrong episode and movie and totally dishonored it in the process. Lots of big fx, explosions, fights etc. with none of the feelings and character. Some cute little bits here and there but I found myself groaning through a lot of it. It feels like someone decided to reimagine "Gone With the Wind" set during Battle of Britan with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as Rhett and Scarlet. Then in the end she walks out on him. Took a lot of risks here that did not pay off. I would have prefered seeing this done with Gary Mitchell rather than Khan. It might have been a far more meaningful use of the this cast. Better still don't redo/reimagine any old episodes. It would be better. I would sooner see another STNG movie or trade this turkey for two more seasons of Enterprise. |