Reviewer : |
Michael Anthony Estes |
Ave Rating : |
4.4286 for 14 reviews |
Title : |
The Changing Face of Evil |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler |
Year : |
2375 |
Review : |
I have to honestly say, it was truly sad to see the poor Defiant bite the big one. As much as she is NOT the Enterprise, she HAS made quite a name for herself: Powerful warship, Federation flagship of the fleets that fought in the war (the Enterprise WAS the flagship, but of the Federation as a whole. The Defiant actually LED forces into battle during the war). I have to say though, I don't understand why Sisko didn't die. As much as I am a fan and LOVED seeing him kick ass during his command of the Defiant and DS9, isn't there the addage, "a captain goes down with his ship?" Still, I'd probably do as he did, and, as they say in BSG (that's Battlestar Galactica), get the FRAK OUT OF THERE! THE SHIP IS BEING TORN APRAT! Still, all in all, I thought it was a decent episode. May the Defiant always soar into our minds....and into our hearts. |
Title : |
Sacrifice of Angels |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler |
Year : |
2374 |
Review : |
I have to honestly say, as a life long fan of Star Trek and Star Wars (LITERALLY), I was at first against the idea of having Star Trek shoot people in space. We WERE watching a show of exploration after all right? Still, FOR ONCE OR TWICE, it seems that I was in the wrong on that one. Sacrifice of Angels actually was pretty darn good. I ESPECIALLY agree with the first or second one above: I LOVE how the Defiant was close to destruction and the Federation fleet was LITERALLY close to being smashed .... and then BOOM! The Klingons literally come in, killing and destroying everything in sight, save FOR the Federation fleet. I most especially love when they come straight out of the sun, guns blazing (LITERALLY), to help their UFP allies in a time of war. Finally, I love how the crew walked back on the style and applause. Dukat in my opinion, FINALLY got EXACTLY what he deserved, save for losing his daughter. I'm not a father myself, but even I know that NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE, should have to suffer for that. In the words of Captain Sisko in a future episode, "whatever his crimes, isn't that enough punishment for one man?" Still, all in all, a pretty darn good episode! 5 out of 5! ^_^ |
Title : |
Balance of Terror |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Paul Schneider |
Year : |
2266 |
Review : |
I have to honestly say, being born in the 1990s I was subjected to LOTS of .... well let's say crap (sex, violence and all that). Still, there is a saying, "you can't beat the classics." This episode 1. IS the reason for that saying and 2. is no exception. I especially LOVE how the Enterprise, despite supposedly being "weaker" as far as torpedo firepower, STILL overwhelmed the Romulan Bird of Prey, being stronger overall than the latter vessel belonging to the enemy. I even found myself LITERALLY RANDOMLY just saying to myself, "Hmmm I think I'll watch this episode today." This episode was THAT good! 5 out of 5! ^_^ ^_^ |
Title : |
Yesterday's Enterprise |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Trent Christopher Ganino, Eric A. Stillwell |
Year : |
2366 |
Review : |
Overall, I thought it was a pretty good episode, worthy of it actually being made a movie. Too bad the ones who make the movies didn't think of it. :( >:( Still, one of my MOST FAVORITE high ranking episodes of all time. My favorite part of it was the battle at the end of it. I thought it was nice to see that even the legendary starship Enterprise falls after a lengthy struggle. The Enterprise going down in flames has GOT to be the best part. Reminds me of the quote from Galaxy Quest: "Never Give Up, Never Surrender." Definitely a 5 out of 5! :) |
Title : |
All Good Things |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Brannon Braga, Ronald D. Moore |
Year : |
2370 |
Review : |
I have to honestly say that as a LIFE long Trek/Wars fan (LITERALLY haha :P ), I was somewhat sad to see TNG go, but then again, as Q put it and as the title suggests, "All good things must come to an end." The suped up 3 nacelled Enterprise-D WAS a little bit unnecessary, but it DID look cool to me. Alas, if they only did a better job of making the ship look beautifully done in the future instead of a piece of crap. -_- Still, I LOVE how she kicked the SNOT out of one Klingon ship and made the other retreat! I'd shit my pants and haul ass too if I had 5,100,000 metric tons of Galaxy class starship coming after me with a big phaser cannon! O_O Also, I LOVED how Q actually showed some REAL serious interest in helping Picard save humanity instead of the usual, "oh I'll do it just because it's fun" kind of attitude. It actually shows that he LIKES humanity, for all it's flaws and mistakes, and if a powerful being like HIM actually LIKES us, maybe there's hope for us after all..... All in all, a pretty good episode that would've made me cry if it had JUST a little more spice on it. |
Title : |
The Emperor's New Cloak |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler |
Year : |
2375 |
Review : |
A pretty exciting episode.....with some MAJOR flaws, but still, fun to watch. I have to honestly say that I agree. With the fact that the Klingons didn't seem to know how to operate cloaking devices (excuse the language), why the HELL did they have them in "Through the Looking Glass?" Still, pretty fun to watch. |
Title : |
The Way of the Warrior |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Ira Steven Behr, Robert Hewitt Wolfe |
Year : |
2372 |
Review : |
I have to honestly say I agree with Indefatigable. Some scenes WERE a bit quite unnecessary, like having them search only A FEW HOURS to find the changeling. However, the space battles are absolutely EPIC! I especially LOVE how DS9 FINALLY got some teeth and seriously KICKED KLINGON A** during the big fighting finale! Ha! Let's see those Galors from "Emissary" take her on NOW! Overall, I gotta say the storyline was pretty good, and it was nice to see the Dominion finally get back in the scene, even though they were only mentioned, not actually seen. Ima go ahead and say 5 out of 5! :) |
Title : |
Encounter at Farpoint |
Rating : |
Writers : |
D.C. Fontana, Gene Roddenberry |
Year : |
2364 |
Review : |
I have to say there were some good parts .... and bad parts. My favorite was happening right as the Enterprise-D was saucer separating. I have to admit I LOVED hearing the TNG theme song playing as the all too famous Federation flagship was doing it. AWESOME! Still, the story was kind of cheesy. I think they made Q and shoved him in there because Star Wars had Jedi and Sith, BOTH superpowered people. Still, I think Star Trek claimed it first with the Talosians and Gary Mitchell from TOS. Either way, this episode was pretty good, despite its flaws. 3 out of 5 |
Title : |
The Jem'Hadar |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Ira Steven Behr |
Year : |
2370 |
Review : |
I have to admit, there were some moments where, this being DS9, I thought there would be more action. I love how they introduced the Jem'Hadar, I love how they used a Galaxy class ship .... but THANK GOD I'm SO glad they didn't use the Enterprise herself in this. If they had destroyed the Enterprise in this, I would've just turned off the show RIGHT THERE. Fortunately, the writers of DS9 were smart and decided NOT to go THAT particular route. (Whew! Dodged a bullet on that one) Despite the reservations, I DID like how they had A Galaxy class ship destroyed, just to show how serious the Dominion are. A little over the top with the Jem'Hadar suicide run, but it made for excellent drama and effect. Nice surprise touch on how Eris just let it ALL happen. It just SHOWS how evil she and the Vorta really are (though we didn't know they were the Vorta at the time). 3 out of 5. |
Title : |
The Search, Part 1 |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Ira Steven Behr, Robert Hewitt Wolfe |
Year : |
2371 |
Review : |
I LOVED the Defiant. She may not have been the Enterprise, but she sure strutted her stuff and showed those Jem'Hadar that they can NOT just F**K with the Federation, even though they are a peace loving organization. What I didn't exactly fall in love with as easily was the fact that Defiant was QUICKLY surrounded. Still, as =NoPoet= said, in all fairness, you don't exactly expect ONE Federation starship (EVEN A STATE OF THE ART PROTOTYPE LIKE DEFIANT) to take one THREE Jem'Hadar ships and expect to come out the victor necessarily. It definitely made for a good episode though and I couldn't wait to see exactly what part 2 had brought up next. 4 out of 5. |
Title : |
Shattered Mirror |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler |
Year : |
2372 |
Review : |
Okay, I thought that, after seeing both Crossover and Through The Looking Glass, I wasn't expecting to see MUCH starship action from this. Turns out I was WAY wrong, thank God! I LOVED how the Defiant started strutting her stuff in this one, even if it was only the mirror universe version. However, seeing her kick the SNOT out of the massive Klingon warship DID bring in a VERY entertaining message, which I think fits me just fine: Size doesn't matter. With that in mind, I love ho Defiant managed to hold her own against the massive Alliance fleet. I love how despicably evil mirror Kira is, and I love the whole episode in general. 5 out of 5! |
Title : |
Shattered Mirror |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler |
Year : |
2372 |
Review : |
Okay, I thought that, after seeing both Crossover and Through The Looking Glass, I wasn't expecting to see MUCH starship action from this. Turns out I was WAY wrong, thank God! I LOVED how the Defiant started strutting her stuff in this one, even if it was only the mirror universe version. However, seeing her kick the SNOT out of the massive Klingon warship DID bring in a VERY entertaining message, which I think fits me just fine: Size doesn't matter. With that in mind, I love how Defiant managed to hold her own against the massive Alliance fleet. I love how despicably evil mirror Kira is, and I love the whole episode in general. 5 out of 5! Please pardon the double post. I misspelled how wrong in the first one and wanted to correct it -_- |
Title : |
Face of the Enemy |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Rene Echevarria |
Year : |
2369 |
Review : |
I have to agree with Indefatigable above. This REALLY is a good episode. This seems to be based on The Hunt for Red October, as I can see MANY similarities to that. Think about it, an enemy ship tries to sneak into Federation space, but is stopped by a ship from home (In Red October it was the Dallas, in this case it is the Enterprise). Enemy personnel try to defect to the good guys. There's a little bit of conflict in between. Very good stuff. I especially like how Marina Sirtis finally got to be Queen Bitch in this. It's not often that, as to coin the phrase, she gets to finally show some teeth. 4 out of 5. |
Title : |
Cause and Effect |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Brannon Braga |
Year : |
2368 |
Review : |
I have to agree. The story was REALLY well thought out. At first, I thought seeing the Enterprise get blown up again .... and again .... and again .... would get old VERY fast. But like the others who wrote reviews on this, like Indefatigable who had mentioned it, I liked how they changed the camera angles on even the small stuff, such as the ship getting blown up, so much more interesting. Alas, I would also have liked to see the looks of the Bozeman crew when they looked and saw upon the Enterprise-D for the first time. Oh well, fairly decent episode. One that I WOULD like to watch over .... and over .... and over .... and over (haha sorry, couldn't resist). 4 out of 5! ^_^ :P |