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Episode Guest Reviews

Reviewer : hi
Ave Rating : 3.5455 for 11 reviews
Title : The Sound of Her Voice Rating : 5
Writers : Pam Pietroforte Year : 2374
Review : Okay, first things first: In this episode, Lisa and the Defiant are NOT decades apart. It's only three years. It's perfectly reasonable that they wouldn't have known about the time difference. Second, I loved this episode. Seeing the crew spill out their personal feelings to someone over a communication was just great. I don't know why. It just was. The "B" story was good too. I was kind of disappointed that Odo let Quark think that he beat him, but I liked that he was doing it out of some sense of repayment. This episode stood out to me, I don't understand why so many people dislike it.
Title : Field of Fire Rating : 5
Writers : Robert Hewitt Wolfe Year : 2375
Review : I loved this whole episode. It's like a murder mystery. I know that Trek has done murder mysteries before, but this was a very refreshing murder mystery. We've seen Odo do murder mysteries. We've seen Kira do it. But Ezri? That's completely new. And the fact that she's using her memories of Joran to figure out who the murderer is was great. Unique. Oh, yes, and the murderer is using a projectile weapon, which are rarely used in places other than holosuites. But the thing I liked most about this episode is that it was very... unpredictable. When it started, I thought that the murderer would turn out to be some stereotypical Nausicaan-like fellow who had a bit too much to drink in Quark's. But no. They gave us a Vulcan who was so emotionally distraught, he went around killing people who had pictures of smiling people in their quarters. And who used a projectile weapon. And Ezri solved it! This episode was great for me!
Title : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang Rating : 4
Writers : Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler Year : 2375
Review : I don't understand why these reviews are so negative. Badda-bing, Badda-Bang was just another fun holosuite episode, like "Take me out to the Holosuite." It was a refreshing take from all the gloom and doom of the war. Just a little fun. At least the holosuite worked properly the whole way through.
Title : Doctor Bashir, I Presume? Rating : 4
Writers : Jimmy Diggs Year : 2373
Review : This episode was worth seeing just to see Lewis Zimmerman... AKA The Doctor from Voyager. And the part where the EMH is activated and his program is transferred into the LMH was priceless. I can't say that I like the idea of Bashir being genetically enhanced, I still thought that this episode was a good one anyway. Although, it would've been fun if they kept the LMH and used it in Voyager's "Message in a Bottle" instead of the EMH mark 2. I may be a little biased, being a HUGE Voyager fan, but I just really enjoyed this episode.
Title : Ferengi Love Songs Rating : 1
Writers : Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler Year : 2373
Review : I usually enjoy the Ferengi episodes, like "Little Green Men" or "The Magnificent Ferengi" or "The Emperor's New Cloak", but this one just wasn't very good. I found the relationship between the Nagus and Moogie to be very... unrealistic. I would give this episode one star, but I just had to bring it up due to the line, "Wait a minute. What's the Nagus doing in my closet?" That was the high point of the entire episode, in my opinion.
Title : Flashback Rating : 3
Writers : Brannon Braga Year : 2373
Review : This episode was to celebrate Star Trek's 30th anniversary. I think they could've picked a better part of TOS to homage. DS9 really hit it with "Trials and Tribble-ations." It's a memorable episode to go back to. However, when I saw "Flashback", I hadn't even seen Star Trek VI, so it had no meaning to me. A nice way to honor The Original series, but for me it just didn't click.
Title : The Emperor's New Cloak Rating : 4
Writers : Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler Year : 2375
Review : A wonderful cross of the mirror universe and the Ferengi. There are some bad Ferengi episodes, and some bad mirror universe ones, but somehow when you combine them it's a good comedy episode. My only nitpick here is that in "Crossover", you do see some Klingon vessels decloaking. But aside from continuity error, this was a nice, light episode. Like "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang" and "Take me Out to the Holosuite", a break from the darker and gloomier aspects of the war.
Title : Extreme Measures Rating : 4
Writers : Bradley Thompson, David Weddle Year : 2375
Review : I realize that "Extreme Measures" isn't a very popular episode, but I thought it was a fairly good episode. The premise was good: Odo's on the brink of death, Bashir can't find the cure, he knows Section 31 has it, so he lures someone to the station. (Sloan) When he tries to interrogate Sloan to find out the cure, Sloan tries to kill himself. Bashir saves him, but he's just about brain-dead. So him and O'Brien literally "enter" his mind to find the cure for themselves. However, I didn't like that they made Sloan's mind Deep Space Nine. I think it should've been more mystical, and less easy to find the cure. This would be a three-star episode, if Sloan had not tried to lure Bashir into death with him. That was a wonderful scene. An episode with a lot of potential, but didn't quite live up to it.
Title : Take Me Out to the Holosuite Rating : 4
Writers : Ronald D. Moore Year : 2375
Review : A very enjoyable episode. Nice break from the war. While some may argue that it was just filler, what better filler could there be? A baseball game! And against the Vulcans! What a wonderfully unique idea for the holosuites. TNG could never quite figure out how to do a holodeck episode without involving a lethal malfunction, but DS9 really hit it here. Go, Niners!
Title : Star Trek Rating : 5
Writers : Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci Year : 2258
Review : Awesome movie. The new actors do an amazing job playing the original cast. Really excellent.
Title : 11:59 Rating : 0
Writers : Brannon Braga, Joe Menosky Year : 2375
Review : Ugh. Terrible episode. Completely pointless. Could have done without it.

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