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Episode Guest Reviews

Reviewer : mike
Ave Rating : 2.0000 for 7 reviews
Title : Favorite Son Rating : 2
Writers : Lisa Klink Year : 2373
Review : it was wat it was
Title : Basics, Part 2 Rating : 2
Writers : Michael Piller Year : 2373
Review : A good episode but not as good as part one
Title : Flashback Rating : 4
Writers : Brannon Braga Year : 2373
Review : This was a great tuvok episode.
Title : Scorpion, Part 2 Rating : 5
Writers : Brannon Braga, Joe Menosky Year : 2374
Review : This 2 Part episode was the first voyager episode i saw. I wondered how Janeway wasn't an Admiral before it was even over
Title : Let that be Your Last Battlefield Rating : 0
Writers : Lee Cronin Year : 2268
Review : Abysmal, rivals "Spock's Brain" as the worst ST Classic episode ever. Plays the race card and beats the viewer mercilessly about the head and shoulders with it. The whole racism/bigotry/prejudice could have been handled in a less obvious manner. And I won't even mention the patently absurd make-up job (shades of Al Jolson). Nothing to recommend this episode at all.
Title : Star Trek Into Darkness Rating : 1
Writers : Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindelof, Roberto Orci Year : 2259
Review : Where to start? Ok, Karl Urban still has McCoy nailed down, and Kirk is not shagging an Orion female this time, character interaction (Sulu, remind me never to p*ss you off), Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock). Ok so much for the pros. Now to the Khans (pun intended): pretty much everything else. Starting with LENS FLARE!!!! This movie pretty much shatters the odd-even theory of movie quality since it it is number 12 overall and almost as bad as it's predecessor Whatever the writers got for this movie it should have been the electric chair and a pink slip, in that order. Blatent ripoff of 'The Wrath Of Khan' as well as some parts of Diane Carey's novel 'Dreadnaught'. Spock running to mama, errrrrr, I mean Spock Prime, to help solve his problem? It does not bode well for this Vulcan's career in Starfleet. I didn't pay to see this movie and I am glad I didn't. As SF, an adequate to good movie. As Trek..... don't ask.
Title : Star Trek Rating : 0
Writers : Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci Year : 2258
Review : How bad is this movie? I got my copy from the the library and after watching it, returned it and demanded my money back! Very little to recommend this movie at all; Karl Urban stealing scenes as Dr. McCoy, Chris Pine is above adequate as Kirk and, of course, Lenord Nimoy as Spock (prime). The two biggest objections are the extermination of both Vulcan and Ch'Rihan (and presumably Ch'Havran ) as well. Billed as a reboot of one of the two most enduring SF franchises in the world, the only thing that should have been booted was JJ's gonads.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,604 Last updated : 9 Mar 2025