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These Are The Voyages...

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4 x 22
Title :
These Are The Voyages...
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First Aired :
13 May 2005
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Your Rating :
0.6667 for 12 reviews
Reviewer : drakkillus Rating : 0
Review : Well, since I was a big fan of Enterprise, one can imagine that this was the most sucktacular ending of a show ever. Canon mishaps notwithstanding, I think the premise of this show was admirable, about little us reaching for a better and more interesting future. This "finale" was just plain insulting, and very little else needs to be said, other than I can plainly see the Berman and Braga were trying to sabotage Star Trek with this one because Paramount took away their toys.
Reviewer : Ben Rating : 0
Review : A mess of an episode, this is not a "valentine for the fans" but a self-indulgent wank for Berman and Braga.
Reviewer : Captain 8472 Rating : 0
Review : I beg to each, and every deity that has ever been prayed to that Berman and Braga get tossed out on their ass from every convention from now on. By all that is holy, no show, movie, play or any other piece of art I know of is so insulting to it's concept UNLESS you want to do only that. What ever happened to Trek's great history of moral and ethical message? Anthony Montgomery came in as a main character only to become scenery. Gene Roddenberry is probably crying in the afterlife over this episode. [ /br]I never watch this episode after the one and only time that I did. Moore and Coto have far more respect. Look at the re-make of Battlestar Galactica. Moore had the story structured, planned out and did not contradict past episode. Coto does the exact same thing. He references past episodes to make sure statements, actions, story, and expectations are the same and consistent. Berman and Braga did anything they wanted just because they had the power. Utter failure.
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 0
Review : Went down like a lead balloon. I'm reviewing this episode out of order (usually I wait until it rolls round on the repeat cycle) because I never want to watch it again. Enterprise was finally coming good, and I was looking forward to a fifth series with Manny Coto in charge when they pulled the plug. Enterprise went on for a whole year longer than TOS, and I would like to have seen it as a 'five-year mission'. In come Berman and Braga and produce an utter pig's ear of an episode. I hope this isn't the end for Star Trek, because it's not an end I'd like to see. The last half-minute or so could have been very moving, the three captains, that most famous of lines, and the brief view of *the* Starship Enterprise, NCC-1701. With what went before it, I had given up by then.
Reviewer : johnsmith Rating : 0
Review : Well, I finally got around to this one, and I should have listened to everyone else. I kept thinking, "There's no way it could be THAT bad." Well, it was. If you haven't seen it yet, don't. You'll wish you hadn't.
Reviewer : Cailus Rating : 0
Review : Season 1? Utter, complete, gigantic piece of rubbish. But that's okay, Voyager wasn't much better and TNG was almost as bad at first. Season 2? Well, now it's getting silly; you'd expect at least some improvement... Season 3? Nice change, and an improvement, but still a general dissappointment. The moral conflicts were interesting, but the whole Temporal Civil War thing just felt a bit over the top, and the Xindi were hardly any better than the Kazon as baddies. It was only with Season 4, under Manny Coto, that Enterprise really began to come into its own. They did the best Mirror Universe episodes in Trek, fixed the Vulcans, some nice other stories; even the characters began to grow from 2-D figuresticks to actual people. And then, B&B do this. The only conclusion can be that they intentionally made it as awful as physically possible, almost like a stiff middle finger to Mr Fixer Coto. Honestly, if you must watch Enterprise, only ever watch Season 4, and stay well away from this episode. Final Frontier looks like an ageless classic compared to this heap of garbage.
Reviewer : Eugen Rating : 5
Review : A nice ending to a good series. I liked the fact they made the transition to the rest of the trek series.
Reviewer : Satan Rating : 0
Review : This episode is complete crap. This was supposed to be a farewell to "Enterprise," not some random ass, pointless "TNG" episode that only (pitifully) fills in a few spots of a previous episode with some trivia. Just awful.
Reviewer : Yanks Rating : 0
Review : I've never felt this way watching a TV show before. I got really upset, I actually left the room when it was over in anger. This was different than when our heroes didn't get home right after blowing up the weapon. This hurt. The bad: #1. Troi and Riker are in Engineering and we hear Troi say: “It's sad. Commander Tucker had no idea he wouldn't make it back.” Now WTF! If you are writing the last Star Trek episode EVER, and have planned out the death of a major cast member (one of the "big three" to boot), why on earth would you give it away to the fans there? I'll tell you why... a slap in the face, TNG's "better", that's why... It's hard to explain how mad I got when she said that. #2. 6 years into the future and everyone is the same rank? WTF? #3. The fact that Trip and T'Pol don't end up together. Terra Prime ended with a very well done emotional scene with Trip and T’Pol. I was hoping when we were 6 years in the future that they had become married. It would have been nice to have the right closure to their relationship. All we get is “T'POL: However long it may be, I believe I'm going to miss you.” – stupid. #4. T'Pol's make up and hair. She just looked unhealthy and overdone. They had her looks right in season three. I'm not fond of her final "development". She had this issue for me during most of season four, but it's much worse in TATV. #5. Trip's death. I'm mean really. We've fast forwarded 6 years in the future and the crew that saved earth from the Xindi attack and survived countless other death defying situations can't detect and stop a couple bad guys from boarding? Where was everyone else? Where are the MACO? Conner's acting was very good once again, but for what? There they go putting Archer up on a pedestal again. #6. Archer's speech to the Alliance. The entire series Daniel and company have gone out of their way to keep Archer alive, because HE is the ONLY ONE that can give birth to the Federation; his presence and speech are the bedrock to everything and what... we don't get to hear the speech? Big fat make up caked give the plot away Deanna (an alien) has to memorize this historic speech in grammar school and we don't get to hear it. Yanks blood is boiling here. What we should have seen is our heroes and Trip's parents sitting right up front when Archer gives his speech. As part of that scene, we should have seen T'Pol sitting next to Trip's mom and when Archer mentions the hardship/loss/dedication ... "how worthwhile it's all been." etc, Trip's mother could have taken T'Pol's hand... come on... #7. And of course, having the TNG characters close out "our" series. " Computer, end Program" was like a knife in the back. The good: #1. The whole holodeck idea wasn't a bad one. When Riker said "Computer, freeze programme" I actually liked it, along with Riker taking the place of chef and interacting with our crew. The whole premise doesn't fit with the Pegasus (TNG) episode though. #2. I was glad they decided to include Shran in the final episode. I wasn't fond of Shran, a star ship captain in the Imperial Guard, being relegated to a runaway. I liked his daughter. I liked the way they told the story with the "objective mode" and Riker along for the ride. #3. I enjoyed Riker's conversation with all our crew in the kitchen. Every one of them was nice. #4. While Trips death was stupid, it gave us one of Enterprise's best scenes (in Trip's quarters) and probably Archer's best line. “ARCHER: Time heals all wounds, but absence makes the heart grow fonder. I guess it's a little tricky. Emotions have a way of contradicting themselves.” #5. While I don't believe T'Pol should have been where she was, when Archer stopped, came back down the stairs and gave T'Pol a hug Yanks got all choked up. Full swing of emotions in this one. #6. The ending montage. Listening all three captains of the Star Ship Enterprise say their piece was very nice and touching. Very, very nice. All in all a very selfish episode WRT Berman & Braga. It was obvious to me that this "Valentine to the Fans" was not written for the Enterprise fans, but to satisfy their ego with regard to TNG. As an Enterprise fan, I felt left out of the end of Star Trek. I don't understand how they could give us so much great Trek throughout the years and then just cast off a group of fans and a series. I guess that's what hurts so much about TATV. So Terra Prime and Archer's speech to the council is the finale for me. I wont watch it again.
Reviewer : Omegatron Rating : 0
Review : Terrible. Everyone else has already said everything there is to say about it really.
Reviewer : SilverSrtryfe Rating : 0
Review : Had this been a TNG holodeck episode, like it seems to have been written, it would have been a 2; however, this was the end to Enterprise. For all the stated reasons, it was a failure.
Reviewer : =NoPoet= Rating : 3
Review : One one side, the roar of the crowd; on the other, the voice of your conscience. I can definitely see why people view this episode as abysmal: it's an utter betrayal of Enterprise and its status as a prequel. Manny Coto must have cried himself to sleep over it, and the cast certainly weren't shy at voicing their opinions, making me wonder what actually goes on in episode planning meetings and why Bermaga never seem to notice how much they piss their cast off when episodes are being filmed. Once again we have a kind of time travel, jumping ahead in time to see... everyone in exactly the same place as before, just with very slightly better uniforms that they should have been wearing since Broken Bow. There's been literally no character development on the NX-01, even Trip and T'Pol's relationship has been held in stasis for years. What exactly have we missed over the ten years that supposedly elapsed? The greatest insults are clearly getting Trip killed in such a stupid way (with no funeral) and cutting the ending speech off with "computer, end program", apparently pandering to rumours ENT was just some holodeck program! Unbelievable! This is how the end decades of Trek? So why three stars? Imagine this as a regular episode, minus Trip's death, and it is actually a rather good instalment. The scenes with Riker and Troi exploring the NX-01 are wonderful and it's good to see them on the E-D: who gives a flying damn if the doors are orange instead of reddish-orange, or the actors are older looking? It's the Enterprise D in ENT! A galaxy class ship remade in the year 2005! And why are people suddenly lambasting "Pegasus" across the internet, which was a solid episode? They managed to tell a bit more of its story here! If they'd featured the ending speech, or that had happened in a later episode, the "end program" would be a notorious teaser, not a statement by Bermaga that said "You know what? We just don't care what the fans want!"
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