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Observer Effect

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 4
Series :
Season Ep :
4 x 11
Title :
Observer Effect
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
21 Jan 2005
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Your Rating :
3.6667 for 3 reviews
Reviewer : Ben Rating : 4
Review : One of Enterprise's best efforts. While I may not entirely agree with all the themes this episode looks at, the writers did an excellent job at presenting their viewpoint. All the main characters get screen time and make the most of it. It's great to see Montgomery get to do some acting (though it's unfortunately not as Mayweather. I'd really like to see his character get some development), and we see he is quite competent. Using Reed as a host was a tour-de-force, as his character fits pretty closely to the Organian's. Great scenes with Hoshi and Trip, and hearing Hoshi babble in various languages was really cool.
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 3
Review : They managed to find a different spin on the aliens investigating Humanity. Instead of the usual set-up experiment, they were trying to understand Human behaviour in a similar way to zoologists observing animals. It has more scientific validity than other methods seen, a much bigger sample size for a start. Quite cleverly, it manages to cover both the reactions of the observers to the test (zoologists CANNOT interfere, and many find it hard) and how the regular characters dealt with the disease. The silicon-based virus is the weak point, and not just because of McCoy's disbelief about silicon-based life. In reality, any virus can ONLY reporduce using a compatible host unless it mutates (look at the trouble H5N1 has with Human-Human transmission). If we suspend disbelief about this, then the story does work. Having some convincing acting helped. Anthony Montgomery had far more to do than usual with his extra work, and Linda Park was convincing enough holding the story together. Normally, the patient just has to lie there. She had quite a lot to do with recovering the shuttle, all the discussion about her past, then breaking out of quarantine in a delerium, and this all worked. Overall, a fairly decent episode.
Reviewer : =NoPoet= Rating : 4
Review : Extremely well-acted all round and feels like something out of either TOS or TNG, although in neither of those series would the main characters actually die, however temporarily. I like the idea that some of the aliens observe dispassionately (following the prime directive more stringently than Starfleet usually does) while at least one of them feels that it is wrong to simply watch people die without trying to help. This, at its core, is what Star Trek is about.
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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 9,935 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025