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The Way of the Warrior

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 4
Series :
Season Ep :
4 x 01
Title :
The Way of the Warrior
Rating :
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First Aired :
2 Oct 1995
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
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Your Rating :
4.6667 for 3 reviews
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 4
Review : This was a good episode. Bringing Worf in did not seem like a good idea at the time, just a way to attract more TNG fans. On reflection I was wrong, it was a brilliant move. With future events in mind, I kept an eye open for his first meeting with Jadzia. Back to the point, I am not sure if Martok was had already been replaced by a Changeling, but it looks like it (although I don't know how he pulled off that trick with the blood). You could see exactly how he was setting up the conflict by carrying out those inspections so blatantly. Garak gets some great moments all the way through, and Sisko's solution of leaking the news about the invasion to him was brilliant. Getting to the rescue itself, the Klingons fired first. The battle was done very well, and we get to see the station's new teeth. Finally, I liked the new title sequence, which gave much more of a sense of the bustling starbase which is DS9.
Reviewer : Michael Anthony Estes Rating : 5
Review : I have to honestly say I agree with Indefatigable. Some scenes WERE a bit quite unnecessary, like having them search only A FEW HOURS to find the changeling. However, the space battles are absolutely EPIC! I especially LOVE how DS9 FINALLY got some teeth and seriously KICKED KLINGON A** during the big fighting finale! Ha! Let's see those Galors from "Emissary" take her on NOW! Overall, I gotta say the storyline was pretty good, and it was nice to see the Dominion finally get back in the scene, even though they were only mentioned, not actually seen. Ima go ahead and say 5 out of 5! :)
Reviewer : The Geek Rating : 5
Review : It has been almost 20 years since I last saw this episode, and it is as every bit as good as I remember! The Defiant scene was excellent, as usual, but I think I discovered a YATI: When Sisko orders retreat, he orders both the cloaking device and shields raised. I am a touch rusty with Star Trek tech, but I am pretty sure both cannot be used at the same time. In fact, I recall the shields/cloaking device conflict being a source of concern for the crew in previous episodes. Anyway, enough about the Defiant. DS9 finally gets some claws! O'Brien has a line about Starfleet dragging their heels about authorizing upgrades, but it seems the wait was worth it! Watching one Klingon ship after another being picked apart was the obvious highlight of this episode. May I also add that the chemistry between Dax and Worf was instant and believable? I know what happens later, which makes the holosuite scene all the more bittersweet. It was as if they were waiting for each other: Dax rebuffing all advances from her male colleagues, and Worf apparently no longer with Troi. In short, this was a damn good episode. Full five stars!
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