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Tin Man

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 3
Series :
Season Ep :
3 x 20
Title :
Tin Man
Rating :
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First Aired :
23 Apr 1990
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Your Rating :
4.3333 for 3 reviews
Reviewer : John den Haan Rating : 5
Review : YATI (read: major plothole): 'Tin Man' wants to die, yet he destroys the warbird out there to kill him?
Reviewer : Bryan Moore Rating : 4
Review : I don't have much to contribute to plot analysis for this episode, though I find it solid through and through. Rather, I tend to think of this episode as one that would serve wonderfully if it were created with more modern effects. As the producers had noted, they were limited by the studio environment to truly create a "living ship," out of Gomtu. With modern CGI, this would potentially be a remarkable concept if it were created 25 years later.
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 4
Review : An interesting episode. The idea of a spaceborne life form is a bit far-fetched. What would it eat? How would it breathe? However, it has been seen before, and the idea of a living ship existing symbiotically with its crew was rather fascinating (I wonder if this inspired "Farscape"). The model used looked nice enough, although the interior set was less convincing. It's also a bit odd that Tin Man/Gumtuu chose to commit suicide by sitting beside a star about to explode rather than flying directly into one (or a black hole if it could survive that). Still, a lot of the story focused on Tam Elbrun and what was happening on the ship. To imagine the way he has to live, imagine every single radio station in the world being beamed into your head simultaniously - I'd go mad in a few days. Harry Groener put in a convincing performance (as did most of the people he interrupted - theatrical interruptions often sound unnatural) and the writers gave him some good lines, a different look at telepathy from the one we saw in "The Price". The resolution worked as well. I've sometimes wondered what happened to Tin Man, it had some interesting capabilities and potential for more stories. One side note, I see the Romulan Warbird now has a proper class name, not a reporting code. Did Jarok let that one slip in "The Defector"? (If the writers thought of that, nice touch.)
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