Review : |
OK, this was the biggest load of scientific cobblers since "Threshold". It's impossible to get a single cell much bigger than 1mm, otherwise it cannot respire. Viruses can't move under their own power, and they don't have a nervous system either (being only one cell) so they cannot think for themselves. Be that as it may, it was really another excuse to do a rip-off of "Alien". We had Kathryn Ripley running round the ship with a phaser rifle (a proper one fortunately) trying to kill off the threat before it destroyed everyone. Well, it was certainly dramatic, and had a good deal of 'yuck factor', but the ending seemed a bit rushed. There really ought to have been a massive mopping-up operation to kill off the remaining virus, because you only need one to survive for the problem to recur. The Tak Tak, with their gestural language, seemed much more interesting. OK, it was entertainment, but I just didn't like it. |