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Indefatigable |
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I quite liked this episode, which is unusual for a Braga script. Obviously, the highlight was our visit to the Excelsior, one of the most elegant ships ever made. If her description is accurate, the reckless, incisive Janeway would have fitted right into the Movie Era (the uniform certainly suited her). Tuvok's past was curious, and it certainly deserved an exploration. It wasn't without its faults, a virus disguised as a memory engram was rather far-fetched, and radiation is measured in 'grays' or 'rads', not 'dynes'. Finally, I'm not sure when Valtaine died in TUC, but I think he was alive during the action against Chang's BoP, which is AFTER his death here. Still, it did all happen inside Tuvok's head, and he might not remember everything perfectly. Thus we can forgive some of the faults, and it makes a decent episode if we do. |
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mike |
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This was a great tuvok episode. |
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hi |
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This episode was to celebrate Star Trek's 30th anniversary. I think they could've picked a better part of TOS to homage. DS9 really hit it with "Trials and Tribble-ations." It's a memorable episode to go back to. However, when I saw "Flashback", I hadn't even seen Star Trek VI, so it had no meaning to me. A nice way to honor The Original series, but for me it just didn't click. |
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=NoPoet= |
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With DS9 getting Trials and Tribble-ations, Voyager got Flashback. While Flashback doesn't have the same impact as the DS9 episode, it's extremely well-handled and full of nostalgic touches including Captain Sulu and Janice Rand, but it also demonstrates the divide between classic Trek characters and their modern counterparts; Starfleet has become far too grand, pompous and serious. It is quite telling that Janeway says the TOS crew would have been kicked out of Starfleet if they existed in the TNG-DS9-VOY era and this seems like a rejection of everything Trek originally stood for. That aside, this is a convincing tale which will surely please fans of movie-era Trek. |