Review : |
Not exactly brilliant, but a reasonable story, I suppose. A somewhat unbelievable story. The Capellans presumably don't have warp capability, they haven't got as far as gunpowder yet, but they seem to know a lot about the spacefaring people who talk to them. Not sure how to explain that. Still, the main story was really about McCoy and Eleen and their strange version of the doctor/patient relationship. Slapping a pregnant woman does not show in a good light (even though the blow obviously missed by miles) but it seemed to work. The B-story, Kirk handling a tricky diplomatic situation in the usual manner (find an excuse to beat someone up) seemed fairly average. The C-story (complicated this) with Scotty on the Enterprise made some sense. The decoy was a fairly obvious one, but I suppose he had a duty to respond to the distress call. I wouldn't have minded seeing how he faced down the Klingon ship on the way back, but we can't have everything. Incidentally, the glowy light ship seems to have become a D7-type design. I was hoping for something Bird-of-Prey-ish (being a "small scoutship") but perhaps that was too much to ask. Verdict, OK, but not brilliant. |