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Series :
Season Ep :
2 x 15
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First Aired :
29 Jan 1996
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Your Rating :
2.3333 for 3 reviews
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 0
Review : The whole thing is best described as nonsense. I believe there is a spoof 'Threshold Award' somewhere for bad Trek science. The whole thing may have been influenced by certain tales of 'The Sound Barrier' pre-Chuck Yeager, but it is just about the daftest idea in Trek. After the business with the transwarp engine (by the way, bad news Mr Paris, the 1,000-plus people aboard the E-D went transwarp in 'Descent' thanks to a Borg conduit) comes the 'evolution' problem. Now, the giant newt is probably an example of 'reverse-evolution' (it looks rather like an Icthyostega from the Devonian Period) but how sensible does it seem that someone would evolve then devolve. Still, if you go infinitely fast then I guess anything might happen . . .
Reviewer : ajdedo Rating : 4
Review : I've always liked this episode. The concept of 'infinite velocity' and 'occupying every point in space simultaneously' is a mind expanding concept. I wish there were more such grand ideas in these stories. Granted the episode falls short at points, especially Tom need to prove himself, and of course, the idea that humans will evolve to lizards one day goes against the grain. But you put that aside and focus on the 'omnipotence' aspect, then it will leave you thinking.
Reviewer : =NoPoet= Rating : 3
Review : The science behind this episode definitely warrants zero stars - I'm no scientist, but even I crapped out a kidney at the idea of humans evolving into giant space newts - and I am not sold that starships can travel at warp 9.975 which is, what, 4000 times the speed of light, but warp 10 is suddenly "infinite speed" (it's quite a leap from 4000x to infinity!). Since Voyager has always had more than its share of bashers, often who criticise it for needlessly stupid things, I am not going to focus on the faults of this episode, even though its plot seems to be a deliberate fan-baiting, flame-war-causing insult. Instead I am rating this for the surprisingly powerful human drama of Paris' degeneration and death, which took me completely by surprise. In television, characters who die often spontaneously start breathing on their own - not sure if this happens in real life, unless you happen to be John Barrowman - but this is a well-acted episode and it at least tried to do something different, even if it should never, NEVER have passed the planning stage. So much for those intensive brainstorming and critique sessions they had on DS9...
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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 10,406 Last updated : 2 Jan 2025