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All Good Things

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 7
Series :
Season Ep :
7 x 25
Title :
All Good Things
Rating :
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First Aired :
23 May 1994
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
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Your Rating :
5.0000 for 3 reviews
Reviewer : BJH Rating : 5
Review : Wonderful ending to a wonderful show. Not much wrong with it, although Q could have been in it a little more, with more funny material thrown in. YATI: the S1 bridge is almost perfect, except for the captains chair. That chair wasn't introduced until S2.
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 5
Review : A truly excellent episode to finish with. I especially like the way that they brought everything full-circle by bringing back Q and reprising the trial. Normally, I don't like Q, but he makes an excellent plot-driver, pushing the story on a little each time. The version I have just watched was split in half and had some major cuts, which was to the detriment of the story, it was paced at feature-length, with the speed winding up throughout the first part and running fast in the second. A few minor criticisms, as ever. I'm not sure about the suped-up three-nacelle Enterprise at the end, and why would they consider retiring her? Kirk's Enterprise was older than some of the crew even in TOS, and she was still the best. It was a needless remark to make things seem 'older'. Then, during discussions of the spatial anomaly, I sometimes found myself overwhelmed by the Power of Technobabble. And who ruined Cambridge? I live nearby, and it looked horrible. Still, now for the good bits. The cast were perfectly believable as their older and younger selves. The version from the past (no Wesley, thank God) made me think that this ship that I had grown up with, from when I saw TNG the first time, had changed almost as much as I had. As ever, it was good to see Tasha Yar back. When she was there, we had a woman in the 'tough guy' role of Chief of Security, and a good contrast with Dr Crusher and Counsellor Troi, both in caring roles. As for the future, where everyone had changed and drifted apart, it was perfectly believable from the time it was made. Picard as the daft old man, only not that daft, you could see his frustration from his point of view, knowing that he was right, yet nobody was listening to him. The proof only came at the very end. To me, this was a far better farewell to the E-D than Generations ever was.
Reviewer : Michael Anthony Estes Rating : 5
Review : I have to honestly say that as a LIFE long Trek/Wars fan (LITERALLY haha :P ), I was somewhat sad to see TNG go, but then again, as Q put it and as the title suggests, "All good things must come to an end." The suped up 3 nacelled Enterprise-D WAS a little bit unnecessary, but it DID look cool to me. Alas, if they only did a better job of making the ship look beautifully done in the future instead of a piece of crap. -_- Still, I LOVE how she kicked the SNOT out of one Klingon ship and made the other retreat! I'd shit my pants and haul ass too if I had 5,100,000 metric tons of Galaxy class starship coming after me with a big phaser cannon! O_O Also, I LOVED how Q actually showed some REAL serious interest in helping Picard save humanity instead of the usual, "oh I'll do it just because it's fun" kind of attitude. It actually shows that he LIKES humanity, for all it's flaws and mistakes, and if a powerful being like HIM actually LIKES us, maybe there's hope for us after all..... All in all, a pretty good episode that would've made me cry if it had JUST a little more spice on it.
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