Review : |
A half-decent episode. As a fan of motor racing, I found the idea of a trans-stellar rally fascinating (it got me speculating like mad about a Federation Grand Prix series). Having come up with the idea, they managed to add all the other elements, and it worked quite well. With Tom and B'elanna's relationship problems, I guess there was something for everyone. Neelix's Murray Walker impression was excellent, and it suited the tone of the episode. Most of the models seemed to be re-uses of others from all over the place (including a shuttle that was originally a Devore warship flying backwards!), but that doesn't detract from the story too much because the only ones that stay in shot for a long time are new designs. Still, I have to wonder how Irina ever got her shuttle aboard Voyager, since even the Delta Flyer is too big for the shuttlebay door. |